Lower bounds for the maximum number of solutions generated by the simplex method

Kitahara and Mizuno get upper bounds for the maximum number of different basic feasible solutions generated by Dantzig�s simplex method. In this paper, we obtain lower bounds of the maximum number. Part of the results in this paper are shown in a paper by the authors as a quick report without proof. They present a … Read more

Probabilistic Set Covering with Correlations

We consider a probabilistic set covering problem where there is uncertainty regarding whether a selected set can cover an item, and the objective is to determine a minimum-cost combination of sets so that each item is covered with a pre-specified probability. To date, literature on this problem has focused on the special case in which … Read more

Preferences for Travel Time under Risk and Ambiguity: Implications in Path Selection and Network Equilibrium

In this paper, we study the preferences for uncertain travel time in which the probability distribution may not be fully characterized. In evaluating an uncertain travel time, we explicitly distinguish between risk, where probability distribution is precisely known, and ambiguity, where it is not. In particular, we propose a new criterion called ambiguity-aware CARA travel … Read more

Removing critical nodes from a graph: complexity results and polynomial algorithms for the case of bounded treewidth

We consider the problem of deleting a limited number of nodes from a graph in order to minimize a connectivity measure between the surviving nodes. We prove that the problem is $NP$-complete even on quite particular types of graph, and define a dynamic programming recursion that solves the problem in polynomial time when the graph … Read more

A quadratically convergent Newton method for vector optimization

We propose a Newton method for solving smooth unconstrained vector optimization problems under partial orders induced by general closed convex pointed cones. The method extends the one proposed by Fliege, Grana Drummond and Svaiter for multicriteria, which in turn is an extension of the classical Newton method for scalar optimization. The steplength is chosen by … Read more

Branch and cut algorithms for detecting critical nodes in undirected graphs

In this paper we deal with the critical node problem, where a given number of nodes has to be removed from an undirected graph in order to maximize the disconnections between the node pairs of the graph. We propose an integer linear programming model with a non-polynomial number of constraints but whose linear relaxation can … Read more

Algorithimic and Complexity Results for Cutting Planes Derived from Maximal Lattice-Free Convex Sets

We study a mixed integer linear program with $m$ integer variables and $k$ non-negative continuous variables in the form of the relaxation of the corner polyhedron that was introduced by Andersen, Louveaux, Weismantel and Wolsey [\emph{Inequalities from two rows of a simplex tableau}, Proc.\ IPCO 2007, LNCS, vol.~4513, Springer, pp.~1–15]. We describe the facets of … Read more

Convergence of the restricted Nelder-Mead algorithm in two dimensions

The Nelder-Mead algorithm, a longstanding direct search method for unconstrained optimization published in 1965, is designed to minimize a scalar-valued function $f$ of $n$ real variables using only function values, without any derivative information. Each Nelder–Mead iteration is associated with a nondegenerate simplex defined by $n + 1$ vertices and their function values; a typical … Read more

Two new weak constraint qualifications and applications

We present two new constraint qualifications (CQ) that are weaker than the recently introduced Relaxed Constant Positive Linear Depen- dence (RCPLD) constraint qualification. RCPLD is based on the assump- tion that many subsets of the gradients of the active constraints preserve positive linear dependence locally. A major open question was to identify the exact set … Read more

Complexity results for the gap inequalities for the max-cut problem

In 1996, Laurent and Poljak introduced an extremely general class of cutting planes for the max-cut problem, called gap inequalities. We prove several results about them, including the following: (i) there must exist non-dominated gap inequalities with gap larger than 1, unless NP = co-NP; (ii) there must exist non-dominated gap inequalities with exponentially large … Read more