A Novel Unified Approach to Invariance in Control

In this paper, we propose a novel, unified, general approach to investigate sufficient and necessary conditions under which four types of convex sets, polyhedra, polyhedral cones, ellipsoids and Lorenz cones, are invariant sets for a linear continuous or discrete dynamical system. In proving invariance of ellipsoids and Lorenz cones for discrete systems, instead of the … Read more

Application of the Strictly Contractive Peaceman-Rachford Splitting Method to Multi-block Separable Convex Programming

Recently, a strictly contractive Peaceman- Rachford splitting method (SC-PRSM) was proposed to solve a convex minimization model with linear constraints and a separable objective function which is the sum of two functions without coupled variables. We show by an example that the SC-PRSM cannot be directly extended to the case where the objective function is … Read more

A Second-Order Method for Compressed Sensing Problems with Coherent and Redundant Dictionaries

In this paper we are interested in the solution of Compressed Sensing (CS) problems where the signals to be recovered are sparse in coherent and redundant dictionaries. CS problems of this type are convex with non-smooth and non-separable regularization term, therefore a specialized solver is required. We propose a primal-dual Newton Conjugate Gradients (pdNCG) method. … Read more


We consider a problem in eigenvalue optimization, in particular find- ing a local minimizer of the spectral abscissa – the value of a parameter that results in the smallest magnitude of the largest real part of the spectrum of a matrix system. This is an important problem for the stabilization of control sys- tems. Many … Read more

Primal-dual regularized SQP and SQCQP type methods for convex programming and their complexity analysis

This paper presents and studies the iteration-complexity of two new inexact variants of Rockafellar’s proximal method of multipliers (PMM) for solving convex programming (CP) problems with a fi nite number of functional inequality constraints. In contrast to the first variant which solves convex quadratic programming (QP) subproblems at every iteration, the second one solves convex constrained … Read more

Coordinate shadows of semi-definite and Euclidean distance matrices

We consider the projected semi-definite and Euclidean distance cones onto a subset of the matrix entries. These two sets are precisely the input data defining feasible semi-definite and Euclidean distance completion problems. We characterize when these sets are closed, and use the boundary structure of these two sets to elucidate the Krislock-Wolkowicz facial reduction algorithm. … Read more

Zero-Convex Functions, Perturbation Resilience, and Subgradient Projections for Feasibility-Seeking Methods

The convex feasibility problem (CFP) is at the core of the modeling of many problems in various areas of science. Subgradient projection methods are important tools for solving the CFP because they enable the use of subgradient calculations instead of orthogonal projections onto the individual sets of the problem. Working in a real Hilbert space, … Read more

Error Bounds and Metric Subregularity

Necessary and sufficient criteria for metric subregularity (or calmness) of set-valued mappings between general metric or Banach spaces are treated in the framework of the theory of error bounds for a special family of extended real-valued functions of two variables. A classification scheme for the general error bound and metric subregularity criteria is presented. The … Read more

An accelerated HPE-type algorithm for a class of composite convex-concave saddle-point problems

This article proposes a new algorithm for solving a class of composite convex-concave saddle-point problems. The new algorithm is a special instance of the hybrid proximal extragradient framework in which a Nesterov’s accelerated variant is used to approximately solve the prox subproblems. One of the advantages of the new method is that it works for … Read more

Stochastic Quasi-Fejér Block-Coordinate Fixed Point Iterations with Random Sweeping

This work investigates the properties of stochastic quasi-Fejér monotone sequences in Hilbert spaces and emphasizes their pertinence in the study of the convergence of block-coordinate fixed point methods. The iterative methods under investigation feature random sweeping rules to select the blocks of variables that are activated over the course of the iterations and allow for … Read more