Outlier detection in regression: conic quadratic formulations

In many applications, when building linear regression models, it is important to account for the presence of outliers, i.e., corrupted input data points. Such problems can be formulated as mixed-integer optimization problems involving cubic terms, each given by the product of a binary variable and a quadratic term of the continuous variables. Existing approaches in … Read more

Political districting to optimize the Polsby-Popper compactness score with application to voting rights

\(\)In the academic literature and in expert testimony, the Polsby-Popper score is the most popular way to measure the compactness of a political district. Given a district with area \(A\) and perimeter \(P\), its Polsby-Popper score is given by \( (4 \pi A)/P^2\). This score takes values between zero and one, with circular districts achieving … Read more

Heuristic methods for noisy derivative-free bound-constrained mixed-integer optimization

This paper discusses MATRS, a new matrix adaptation trust region strategy for solving noisy derivative-free mixed-integer optimization problems with simple bounds.  MATRS repeatedly cycles through five phases, mutation, selection, recombination, trust-region, and mixed-integer in this order. But if in the mutation phase a new best point (point with lowest inexact function value among all evaluated … Read more

Mixed-Integer Programming Approaches to Generalized Submodular Optimization and its Applications

Submodularity is an important concept in integer and combinatorial optimization. A classical submodular set function models the utility of selecting homogenous items from a single ground set, and such selections can be represented by binary variables. In practice, many problem contexts involve choosing heterogenous items from more than one ground set or selecting multiple copies … Read more

Test Instances for Multiobjective Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization

A suitable set of test instances, also known as benchmark problems, is a key ingredient to systematically evaluate numerical solution algorithms for a given class of optimization problems. While in recent years several solution algorithms for the class of multiobjective mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problems have been proposed, there is a lack of a well-established set … Read more

Mixed-Integer Quadratic Optimization and Iterative Clustering Techniques for Semi-Supervised Support Vector Machines

Among the most famous algorithms for solving classification problems are support vector machines (SVMs), which find a separating hyperplane for a set of labeled data points. In some applications, however, labels are only available for a subset of points. Furthermore, this subset can be non-representative, e.g., due to self-selection in a survey. Semi-supervised SVMs tackle … Read more

An approximation algorithm for multi-objective mixed-integer convex optimization

In this article we introduce an algorithm that approximates Pareto fronts of multiobjective mixed-integer convex optimization problems. The algorithm constructs an inner and outer approximation of the front exploiting the convexity of the patches and is applicable to problems with an arbitrary number of criteria. In the algorithm, the problem is decomposed into patches, which … Read more

Submodular maximization and its generalization through an intersection cut lens

\(\) We study a mixed-integer set \(\mathcal{S}:=\{(x,t) \in \{0,1\}^n \times \mathbb{R}: f(x) \ge t\}\) arising in the submodular maximization problem, where \(f\) is a submodular function defined over \(\{0,1\}^n\). We use intersection cuts to tighten a polyhedral outer approximation of \(\mathcal{S}\). We construct a continuous extension \(\mathsf{F}\) of \(f\), which is convex and defined over … Read more

A Test Instance Generator for Multiobjective Mixed-integer Optimization

Application problems can often not be solved adequately by numerical algorithms as several difficulties might arise at the same time. When developing and improving algorithms which hopefully allow to handle those difficulties in the future, good test instances are required. These can then be used to detect the strengths and weaknesses of different algorithmic approaches. … Read more

Variable Selection for Kernel Two-Sample Tests

We consider the variable selection problem for two-sample tests, aiming to select the most informative variables to distinguish samples from two groups. To solve this problem, we propose a framework based on the kernel maximum mean discrepancy (MMD). Our approach seeks a group of variables with a pre-specified size that maximizes the variance-regularized MMD statistics. … Read more