An Adaptive Primal-Dual Warm-Start Technique for Quadratic Multiobjective Optimization

We present a new primal-dual algorithm for convex quadratic multicriteria optimization. The algorithm is able to adaptively refine the approximation to the set of efficient points by way of a warm-start interior-point scalarization approach. Results of this algorithm when applied on a three-criteria real-world power plant optimization problem are reported, thereby illustrating the feasibility of … Read more


The notion of soft thresholding plays a central role in problems from various areas of applied mathematics, in which the ideal solution is known to possess a sparse decomposition in some orthonormal basis. Using convex-analytical tools, we extend this notion to that of proximal thresholding and investigate its properties, providing in particular several characterizations of … Read more

Global and finite termination of a two-phase augmented Lagrangian filter method for general quadratic programs

We present a two-phase algorithm for solving large-scale quadratic programs (QPs). In the first phase, gradient-projection iterations approximately minimize an augmented Lagrangian function and provide an estimate of the optimal active set. In the second phase, an equality-constrained QP defined by the current inactive variables is approximately minimized in order to generate a second-order search … Read more

Modified Cholesky Algorithms: A Catalog with New Approaches

Given an n by n symmetric possibly indefinite matrix A, a modified Cholesky algorithm computes a factorization of the positive definite matrix A+E, where E is a correction matrix. Since the factorization is often used to compute a Newton-like downhill search direction for an optimization problem, the goals are to compute the modification without much … Read more

A New Stochastic Algorithm for Engineering Optimization Problems

This paper proposes a new stochastic algorithm, Search via Probability (SP) algorithm, for single-objective optimization problems. The SP algorithm uses probabilities to control the process of searching for optimal solutions. We calculate probabilities of the appearance of a better solution than the current one on each iteration, and on the performance of SP algorithm we … Read more

Multiplier convergence in trust-region methods with application to convergence of decomposition methods for MPECs

We study piecewise decomposition methods for mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints (MPECs) for which all constraint functions are linear. At each iteration of a decomposition method, one step of a nonlinear programming scheme is applied to one piece of the MPEC to obtain the next iterate. Our goal is to understand global convergence to B-stationary … Read more

Geometric Dual Formulation for First-derivative-based Univariate Cubic $ Splines

With the objective of generating “shape-preserving” smooth interpolating curves that represent data with abrupt changes in magnitude and/or knot spacing, we study a class of first-derivative-based ${\cal C}^1$-smooth univariate cubic $L_1$ splines. An $L_1$ spline minimizes the $L_1$ norm of the difference between the first-order derivative of the spline and the local divided difference of … Read more

Asynchronous parallel generating set search for linearly-constrained optimization

Generating set search (GSS) is a family of direct search methods that encompasses generalized pattern search and related methods. We describe an algorithm for asynchronous linearly-constrained GSS, which has some complexities that make it different from both the asynchronous bound-constrained case as well as the synchronous linearly-constrained case. The algorithm has been implemented in the … Read more

Alternating projections on manifolds

We prove that if two smooth manifolds intersect transversally, then the method of alternating projections converges locally at a linear rate. We bound the speed of convergence in terms of the angle between the manifolds, which in turn we relate to the modulus of metric regularity for the intersection problem, a natural measure of conditioning. … Read more

A Proximal Point Algorithm with phi-Divergence to Quasiconvex Programming

We use the proximal point method with the phi-divergence given by phi(t) = t – log t – 1 for the minimization of quasiconvex functions subject to nonnegativity constraints. We establish that the sequence generated by our algorithm is well-defined in the sense that it exists and it is not cyclical. Without any assumption of … Read more