User’s Manual for SparseCoLO: Conversion Methods for Sparse Conic-form Linear Optimization Problems

SparseCoLO is a Matlab package for implementing the four conversion methods, proposed by Kim, Kojima, Mevissen, and Yamashita, via positive semidefinite matrix completion for an optimization problem with matrix inequalities satisfying a sparse chordal graph structure. It is based on quite a general description of optimization problem including both primal and dual form of linear, … Read more

On solving trust-region and other regularised subproblems in optimization

The solution of trust-region and regularisation subproblems which arise in unconstrained optimization is considered. Building on the pioneering work of Gay, More’ and Sorensen, methods which obtain the solution of a sequence of parametrized linear systems by factorization are used. Enhancements using high-order polynomial approximation and inverse iteration ensure that the resulting method is both … Read more

Asset-Liability Management Modelling with Risk Control by Stochastic Dominance

An Asset-Liability Management model with a novel strategy for controlling risk of underfunding is presented in this paper. The basic model involves multiperiod decisions (portfolio rebalancing) and deals with the usual uncertainty of investment returns and future liabilities. Therefore it is well-suited to a stochastic programming approach. A stochastic dominance concept is applied to measure … Read more

Hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallel support vector machine training

Support Vector Machines are a powerful machine learning technology, but the training process involves a dense quadratic optimization problem and is computationally challenging. A parallel implementation of Support Vector Machine training has been developed, using a combination of MPI and OpenMP. Using an interior point method for the optimization and a reformulation that avoids the … Read more

Efficient high-precision dense matrix algebra on parallel architectures for nonlinear discrete optimization

We provide a proof point for the idea that matrix-based algorithms for discrete optimization problems, mainly conceived for proving theoretical efficiency, can be easily and efficiently implemented on massively-parallel architectures by exploiting scalable and efficient parallel implementations of algorithms for ultra high-precision dense linear algebra. We have successfully implemented our algorithm on the Blue Gene/L … Read more

Implementing Algorithms for Signal and Image Reconstruction on Graphical Processing Units

Several highly effective algorithms that have been proposed recently for compressed sensing and image processing applications can be implemented efficiently on commodity graphical processing units (GPUs). The properties of algorithms and application that make for efficient GPU implementation are discussed, and computational results for several algorithms are presented that show large speedups over CPU implementations. … Read more

Incorporating Minimum Frobenius Norm Models in Direct Search

The goal of this paper is to show that the use of minimum Frobenius norm quadratic models can improve the performance of direct-search methods. The approach taken here is to maintain the structure of directional direct-search methods, organized around a search and a poll step, and to use the set of previously evaluated points generated … Read more

Global Optimization of Non-Linear Systems of Equations by Simulating the Flight of a Projectile in the Conformational Space

A new heuristic optimization algorithm is presented based on an analogy with the physical phenomenon of a projectile launched in a conformational space under the influence of a gravitational force. Its implementation simplicity and the option to enhance it with local search methods make it ideal for the optimization of non-linear systems of equations. The … Read more

A globally convergent primal-dual interior-point filter method for nonlinear programming: new filter optimality measures and computational results

In this paper we modify the original primal-dual interior-point filter method proposed in [18] for the solution of nonlinear programming problems. We introduce two new optimality filter entries based on the objective function, and thus better suited for the purposes of minimization, and propose conditions for using inexact Hessians. We show that the global convergence … Read more

Python Optimization Modeling Objects (Pyomo)

We describe Pyomo, an open-source tool for modeling optimization applications in Python. Pyomo can be used to define abstract problems, create concrete problem instances, and solve these instances with standard solvers. Pyomo provides a capability that is commonly associated with algebraic modeling languages like AMPL and GAMS. Pyomo leverages the capabilities of the Coopr software, … Read more