Dynamic Linear Programming Games with Risk-Averse Players

Motivated by situations in which independent agents, or players, wish to cooperate in some uncertain endeavor over time, we study dynamic linear programming games, which generalize classical linear production games to multi-period settings under uncertainty. We specifically consider that players may have risk-averse attitudes towards uncertainty, and model this risk aversion using coherent conditional risk … Read more

Existence of Competitive Equilibrium in Piecewise Linear and Concave Exchange Economies and the non-symmetric Nash Bargaining Solution

In this paper we show that for concave piecewise linear exchange economies every competitive equilibrium satisfies the property that the competitive allocation is a non-symmetric Nash bargaining solution with weights being the initial income of individual agents evaluated at the equilibrium price vector. We prove the existence of competitive equilibrium for concave piecewise linear exchange … Read more

The viewshed problem: a theoretical analysis and a new algorithm for finding the viewshed of a given point on a triangulated terrain

We give a comprehensive theoretical treatment for calculating the viewshed of a given point, present an analytical solution to the viewshed problem and a new algorithm for finding the viewshed on a triangulated terrain. We implement our algorithm on a real terrain. Some algorithms make use of the horizon information of the terrain to calculate … Read more

A Flexible Inexact Restoration Method and Application to Optimization with Multiobjective Constraints under Weighted-Sum Scalarization

We introduce a new flexible Inexact-Restoration (IR) algorithm and an application to problems with multiobjective constraints (MOCP) under the weighted-sum scalarization approach. In IR methods each iteration has two phases. In the first phase one aims to improve the feasibility and, in the second phase, one minimizes a suitable objective function. This is done in … Read more

Scheduling of Two Agents Task Chains with a Central Selection Mechanism

In this paper we address a deterministic scheduling problem in which two agents compete for the usage of a single machine. Each agent decides on a fixed order to submit its tasks to an external coordination subject, who sequences them according to a known priority rule. We consider the problem from different perspectives. First, we … Read more

A game-theoretic approach to computation offloading in mobile cloud computing

We consider a three-tier architecture for mobile and pervasive computing scenarios, consisting of a local tier of mobile nodes, a middle tier (cloudlets) of nearby computing nodes, typically located at the mobile nodes access points but characterized by a limited amount of resources, and a remote tier of distant cloud servers, which have practically infinite … Read more

Stochastic linear programming games with concave preferences

We study stochastic linear programming games: a class of stochastic cooperative games whose payoffs under any realization of uncertainty are determined by a specially structured linear program. These games can model a variety of settings, including inventory centralization and cooperative network fortification. We focus on the core of these games under an allocation scheme that … Read more

Monte Carlo Sampling-Based Methods for Stochastic Optimization

This paper surveys the use of Monte Carlo sampling-based methods for stochastic optimization problems. Such methods are required when—as it often happens in practice—the model involves quantities such as expectations and probabilities that cannot be evaluated exactly. While estimation procedures via sampling are well studied in statistics, the use of such methods in an optimization … Read more

Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Schemes for Stochastic Dynamic Programs

We present a framework for obtaining Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Schemes (FPTASs) for stochastic univariate dynamic programs with either convex or monotone single-period cost functions. This framework is developed through the establishment of two sets of computational rules, namely the Calculus of K-approximation Functions and the Calculus of K-approximation Sets. Using our framework, we provide … Read more

A Trust-Region Method for Unconstrained Multiobjective Problems with Applications in Satisficing Processes

Multiobjective optimization has a significant number of real life applications. For this reason, in this paper, we consider the problem of finding Pareto critical points for unconstrained multiobjective problems and present a trust-region method to solve it. Under certain assumptions, which are derived in a very natural way from assumptions used by \citet{conn} to establish … Read more