Computing Technical Capacities in the European Entry-Exit Gas Market is NP-Hard

As a result of its liberalization, the European gas market is organized as an entry-exit system in order to decouple the trading and transport of natural gas. Roughly summarized, the gas market organization consists of four subsequent stages. First, the transmission system operator (TSO) is obliged to allocate so-called maximal technical capacities for the nodes … Read more

Nonconvex Constrained Optimization by a Filtering Branch and Bound

A major difficulty in optimization with nonconvex constraints is to find feasible solutions. As simple examples show, the alphaBB-algorithm for single-objective optimization may fail to compute feasible solutions even though this algorithm is a popular method in global optimization. In this work, we introduce a filtering approach motivated by a multiobjective reformulation of the constrained … Read more

A dimensionality reduction technique for unconstrained global optimization of functions with low effective dimensionality

We investigate the unconstrained global optimization of functions with low effective dimensionality, that are constant along certain (unknown) linear subspaces. Extending the technique of random subspace embeddings in [Wang et al., Bayesian optimization in a billion dimensions via random embeddings. JAIR, 55(1): 361–387, 2016], we study a generic Random Embeddings for Global Optimization (REGO) framework … Read more

Estimation of Marginal Cost to Serve Individual Customers

This paper proposes a scenario sampling-based framework to estimate the expected incremental routing cost required so as to incorporate a target customer into an inherently stochastic supply chain network. Inspired from a real-life setting arising in the distribution of industrial gases, we demonstrate our framework and elucidate the quality of the marginal cost estimates it … Read more

Games with distributionally robust joint chance constraints

This paper studies an n-player non-cooperative game with strategy sets defined by stochastic linear constraints. The stochastic constraints of each player are jointly satisfied with a probability exceeding a given threshold. We consider the case where the row vectors defining the constraints are independent random vectors whose probability distributions are not completely known and belong … Read more

Centering ADMM for the Semidefinite Relaxation of the QAP

We propose a new method for solving the semidefinite (SD) relaxation of the quadratic assignment problem (QAP), called the Centering ADMM. The Centering ADMM is an alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) combining the centering steps used in the interior-point method. The first stage of the Centering ADMM updates the iterate so that it approaches … Read more

Exploiting problem structure in derivative free optimization

A structured version of derivative-free random pattern search optimization algorithms is introduced which is able to exploit coordinate partially separable structure (typically associated with sparsity) often present in unconstrained and bound-constrained optimization problems. This technique improves performance by orders of magnitude and makes it possible to solve large problems that otherwise are totally intractable by … Read more

On the convexification of constrained quadratic optimization problems with indicator variables

Motivated by modern regression applications, in this paper, we study the convexification of quadratic optimization problems with indicator variables and combinatorial constraints on the indicators. Unlike most of the previous work on convexification of sparse regression problems, we simultaneously consider the nonlinear objective, indicator variables, and combinatorial constraints. We prove that for a separable quadratic … Read more

Substitution-based Equipment Balancing in Service Networks with Multiple Equipment Types

We investigate substitution-based equipment balancing for a package express carrier operating multiple equipment types in its service network. The weekly schedule of movements used to transport packages through the service network leads to changes in equipment inventory at the facilities in the network. We seek to reduce this change, i.e., the equipment imbalance associated with … Read more

Proximal splitting algorithms: Relax them all!

Convex optimization problems, whose solutions live in very high dimensional spaces, have become ubiquitous. To solve them, proximal splitting algorithms are particularly adequate: they consist of simple operations, by handling the terms in the objective function separately. We present several existing proximal splitting algorithms and we derive new ones, within a unified framework, which consists … Read more