Stochastic Lipschitz Dynamic Programming

We propose a new algorithm for solving multistage stochastic mixed integer linear programming (MILP) problems with complete continuous recourse. In a similar way to cutting plane methods, we construct nonlinear Lipschitz cuts to build lower approximations for the non-convex cost to go functions. An example of such a class of cuts are those derived using … Read more

Pricing for Delivery Time Flexibility

We study a variant of the multi-period vehicle routing problem, in which a service provider offers a discount to customer in exchange for delivery flexibility. We establish theoretical properties and empirical insights regarding the intricate and complex relation between the benefit from additional delivery flexibility, the discounts offered to customers to gain additional delivery flexibility, … Read more

New inertial factors of the Krasnoselskii-Mann iteration

In this article, we consider the Krasnosel’ski\u{\i}-Mann iteration for approximating a fixed point of any given non-expansive operator in real Hilbert spaces, and we study an inertial version proposed by Maing\'{e} recently. As a result, we suggest new conditions on the inertial factors to ensure weak convergence. They are free of iterates and depend on … Read more

A Proximal Interior Point Algorithm with Applications to Image Processing

In this article, we introduce a new proximal interior point algorithm (PIPA). This algorithm is able to handle convex optimization problems involving various constraints where the objective function is the sum of a Lipschitz differentiable term and a possibly nonsmooth one. Each iteration of PIPA involves the minimization of a merit function evaluated for decaying … Read more

A Theoretical and Empirical Comparison of Gradient Approximations in Derivative-Free Optimization

In this paper, we analyze several methods for approximating gradients of noisy functions using only function values. These methods include finite differences, linear interpolation, Gaussian smoothing and smoothing on a unit sphere. The methods differ in the number of functions sampled, the choice of the sample points, and the way in which the gradient approximations … Read more

A mixed-integer optimization approach to an exhaustive cross-validated model selection for regression

We consider a linear regression model for which we assume that many of the observed regressors are irrelevant for the prediction. To avoid overfitting, we conduct a variable selection and only include the true predictors for the least square fitting. The best subset selection gained much interest in recent years for addressing this objective. For … Read more

Polyhedral approximations of the semidefinite cone and their application

We develop techniques to construct a series of sparse polyhedral approximations of the semidefinite cone. Motivated by the semidefinite (SD) bases proposed by Tanaka and Yoshise (2018), we propose a simple expansion of SD bases so as to keep the sparsity of the matrices composing it. We prove that the polyhedral approximation using our expanded … Read more

A Framework for Solving Chance-Constrained Linear Matrix Inequality Programs

We propose a novel partial sample average approximation (PSAA) framework to solve the two main types of chance-constrained linear matrix inequality (CCLMI) problems: CCLMI with random technology matrix, and CCLMI with random right-hand side. We propose a series of computationally tractable PSAA-based approximations for CCLMI problems, analyze their properties, and derive sufficient conditions ensuring convexity. … Read more

Non-Stationary First-Order Primal-Dual Algorithms with Fast Convergence Rates

In this paper, we propose two novel non-stationary first-order primal-dual algorithms to solve nonsmooth composite convex optimization problems. Unlike existing primal-dual schemes where the parameters are often fixed, our methods use pre-defined and dynamic sequences for parameters. We prove that our first algorithm can achieve O(1/k) convergence rate on the primal-dual gap, and primal and … Read more

Stability Analysis for a Class of Sparse Optimization Problems

The sparse optimization problems arise in many areas of science and engineering, such as compressed sensing, image processing, statistical and machine learning. The $\ell_{0}$-minimization problem is one of such optimization problems, which is typically used to deal with signal recovery. The $\ell_{1}$-minimization method is one of the plausible approaches for solving the $\ell_{0}$-minimization problems, and … Read more