On global minimizers of quadratic functions with cubic regularization

In this paper, we analyze some theoretical properties of the problem of minimizing a quadratic function with a cubic regularization term, arising in many methods for unconstrained and constrained optimization that have been proposed in the last years. First we show that, given any stationary point that is not a global solution, it is possible … Read more

Bootstrap Robust Prescriptive Analytics

We address the problem of prescribing an optimal decision in a framework where its cost depends on uncertain problem parameters $Y$ that need to be learned from data. Earlier work by Bertsimas and Kallus (2014) transforms classical machine learning methods that merely predict $Y$ from supervised training data $[(x_1, y_1), \dots, (x_n, y_n)]$ into prescriptive … Read more

Analysis of the Gradient Method with an Armijo-Wolfe Line Search on a Class of Nonsmooth Convex Functions

It has long been known that the gradient (steepest descent) method may fail on nonsmooth problems, but the examples that have appeared in the literature are either devised specifically to defeat a gradient or subgradient method with an exact line search or are unstable with respect to perturbation of the initial point. We give an … Read more

Random Gradient Extrapolation for Distributed and Stochastic Optimization

In this paper, we consider a class of finite-sum convex optimization problems defined over a distributed multiagent network with $m$ agents connected to a central server. In particular, the objective function consists of the average of $m$ ($\ge 1$) smooth components associated with each network agent together with a strongly convex term. Our major contribution … Read more

Amenable cones: error bounds without constraint qualifications

We provide a framework for obtaining error bounds for linear conic problems without assuming constraint qualifications or regularity conditions. The key aspects of our approach are the notions of amenable cones and facial residual functions. For amenable cones, it is shown that error bounds can be expressed as a composition of facial residual functions. The … Read more

Crowd-based City Logistics

Cities are drivers of economic development, providing infrastructure to support countless activities and services. Today, the world’s 750 biggest cities account for more than 57% of the global GDP and this number is expected to increase to 61% by 2030. More than half of the world’s population lives in cities, or urban areas, and this … Read more

A note on using performance and data profiles for training algorithms

It is shown how to use the performance and data profile benchmarking tools to improve algorithms’ performance. An illustration for the BFO derivative-free optimizer suggests that the obtained gains are potentially significant. Citation ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 45:2 (2019), Article 20. Article Download View A note on using performance and data profiles for training … Read more

Algorithms for the One-Dimensional Two-Stage Cutting Stock Problem

In this paper, we consider the two-stage extension of the one-dimensional cutting stock problem which arises when technical requirements inhibit the cutting of large stock rolls to demanded widths of finished rolls directly. Therefore, the demands on finished rolls are fulfilled through two subsequent cutting processes, in which the rolls produced in the former are … Read more

Block Coordinate Descent Almost Surely Converges to a Stationary Point Satisfying the Second-order Necessary Condition

Given a non-convex twice continuously differentiable cost function with Lipschitz continuous gradient, we prove that all of the block coordinate gradient descent, block mirror descent and proximal block coordinate descent methods converge to stationary points satisfying the second-order necessary condition, almost surely with random initialization. All our results are ascribed to the center-stable manifold theorem … Read more

Variational inequality formulation for the games with random payoffs

We consider an n-player non-cooperative game with random payoffs and continuous strategy set for each player. The random payoffs of each player are defined using a finite dimensional random vector. We formulate this problem as a chance-constrained game by defining the payoff function of each player using a chance constraint. We first consider the case … Read more