Memory-Aware Parallelized RLT3 for Solving Quadratic Assignment Problems

We present a coarse-grain (outer-loop) parallel implementation of RLT1/2/3 (Level 1, 2, and 3 Reformulation and Linearization Technique—in that order) bound calculations for the QAP within a branch-and-bound procedure. For a search tree node of size S, each RLT3 and RLT2 bound calculation iteration is parallelized S ways, with each of S processors performing O(S5) … Read more

On the Proximal Jacobian Decomposition of ALM for Multiple-block Separable Convex Minimization Problems and its Relationship to ADMM

The augmented Lagrangian method (ALM) is a benchmark for solving convex minimization problems with linear constraints. When the objective function of the model under consideration is representable as the sum of some functions without coupled variables, a Jacobian or Gauss-Seidel decomposition is often implemented to decompose the ALM subproblems so that the functions’ properties could … Read more

Updating constraint preconditioners for KKT systems in quadratic programming via low-rank corrections

This work focuses on the iterative solution of sequences of KKT linear systems arising in interior point methods applied to large convex quadratic programming problems. This task is the computational core of the interior point procedure and an efficient preconditioning strategy is crucial for the efficiency of the overall method. Constraint preconditioners are very effective … Read more


Utilizing dual descriptions of the normal cone of convex optimization problems in conic form, we characterize the vertices of semidefinite representations arising from Lovász theta body, generalizations of the elliptope, and related convex sets. Our results generalize vertex characterizations due to Laurent and Poljak from the 1990’s. Our approach also leads us to nice characterizations … Read more

A Hierarchy of Subgraph Projection-Based Semidefinite Relaxations for some NP-Hard Graph Optimization Problems

Many important NP-hard combinatorial problems can be efficiently approximated using semidefinite programming relaxations. We propose a new hierarchy of semidefinite relaxations for classes of such problems that based on graphs and for which the projection of the problem onto a subgraph shares the same structure as the original problem. This includes the well-studied max-cut and … Read more

Semidefinite programming and eigenvalue bounds for the graph partition problem

The graph partition problem is the problem of partitioning the vertex set of a graph into a fixed number of sets of given sizes such that the total weight of edges joining different sets is optimized. In this paper we simplify a known matrix-lifting semidefinite programming relaxation of the graph partition problem for several classes … Read more

Approaches to a real-world train timetabling problem in a railway node

We consider the Train Timetabling Problem (TTP) in a railway node (i.e. a set of stations in an urban area interconnected by tracks), which calls for determining the best schedule for a given set of trains during a given time horizon, while satisfying several track operational constraints. In particular, we consider the context of a … Read more

Decision Making Based on a Nonparametric Shape-Preserving Perturbation of a Reference Utility Function

This paper develops a robust optimization based decision-making framework using a nonparametric perturbation of a reference utility function. The perturbation preserves the risk-aversion property but solves the problem of ambiguity and inconsistency in eliciting the reference utility function. We study the topology of the perturbation, and show that in the decision-making framework the price of … Read more

Error bounds for mixed integer linear optimization problems

We introduce computable a-priori and a-posteriori error bounds for optimality and feasibility of a point generated as the rounding of an optimal point of the LP relaxation of a mixed integer linear optimization problem. Treating the mesh size of integer vectors as a parameter allows us to study the effect of different `granularities’ in the … Read more

On Efficiently Combining Limited Memory and Trust-Region Techniques

Limited memory quasi-Newton methods and trust-region methods represent two efficient approaches used for solving unconstrained optimization problems. A straightforward combination of them deteriorates the efficiency of the former approach, especially in the case of large-scale problems. For this reason, the limited memory methods are usually combined with a line search. We show how to efficiently … Read more