Solution methods for partial inverse combinatorial optimization problems in which weights can only be increased

Partial inverse combinatorial optimization problems are bilevel optimization problems in which the leader aims to incentivize the follower to include a given set of elements in the solution of their combinatorial problem. If the set of required elements defines a complete follower solution, the inverse combinatorial problem is solvable in polynomial time as soon as … Read more

Cuts and semidefinite liftings for the complex cut polytope

\(\) We consider the complex cut polytope: the convex hull of Hermitian rank 1 matrices \(xx^{\mathrm{H}}\), where the elements of \(x \in \mathbb{C}^n\) are \(m\)th unit roots. These polytopes have applications in \({\text{MAX-3-CUT}}\), digital communication technology, angular synchronization and more generally, complex quadratic programming. For \({m=2}\), the complex cut polytope corresponds to the well-known cut … Read more

On the power of linear programming for K-means clustering

In a previous work, we introduced a new linear programming (LP) relaxation for K-means clustering. In this paper, we further investigate the theoretical properties of this relaxation. We focus on K-means clustering with two clusters, which is an NP-hard problem. As evident from our numerical experiments with both synthetic and real-world data sets, the proposed … Read more

Bounds and Heuristic Algorithms for the Bin Packing Problem with Minimum Color Fragmentation

In this paper, we consider a recently introduced packing problem in which a given set of weighted items with colors has to be packed into a set of identical bins, while respecting capacity constraints and minimizing the total number of times that colors appear in the bins. We review exact methods from the literature and … Read more

Optimization Over Trained Neural Networks: Taking a Relaxing Walk

Besides training, mathematical optimization is also used in deep learning to model and solve formulations over trained neural networks for purposes such as verification, compression, and optimization with learned constraints. However, solving these formulations soon becomes difficult as the network size grows due to the weak linear relaxation and dense constraint matrix. We have seen … Read more

Exploiting Symmetries in Optimal Quantum Circuit Design

A physical limitation in quantum circuit design is the fact that gates in a quantum system can only act on qubits that are physically adjacent in the architecture. To overcome this problem, SWAP gates need to be inserted to make the circuit physically realizable. The nearest neighbour compliance problem (NNCP) asks for an optimal embedding … Read more

A proof for multilinear error bounds

\(\) We derive the error bounds for multilinear terms in $[0,1]^n$ using a proof methodology based on the polyhedral representation of the convex hull. We extend the result for multilinear terms in $[\boldsymbol{L},\boldsymbol{0}] \times [\boldsymbol{0},\boldsymbol{U}]\subset\mathbb{R}^n$. Article Download View A proof for multilinear error bounds

Integrating Public Transport in Sustainable Last-Mile Delivery: Column Generation Approaches

We tackle the problem of coordinating a three-echelon last-mile delivery system. In the first echelon, trucks transport parcels from distribution centres outside the city to public transport stops. In the second echelon, the parcels move on public transport and reach the city centre. In the third echelon, zero-emission vehicles pick up the parcels at public … Read more

On Rank-Monotone Graph Operations and Minimal Obstruction Graphs for the Lovász-Schrijver SDP Hierarchy

We study the lift-and-project rank of the stable set polytopes of graphs with respect to the Lovász-Schrijver SDP operator LS_+, with a particular focus on finding and characterizing the smallest graphs with a given LS_+-rank (the least number of iterations of the LS_+ operator on the fractional stable set polytope to compute the stable set … Read more

A Survey on Optimization Studies of Group Centrality Metrics

Centrality metrics have become a popular concept in network science and optimization. Over the years, centrality has been used to assign importance and identify influential elements in various settings, including transportation, infrastructure, biological, and social networks, among others. That said, most of the literature has focused on nodal versions of centrality. Recently, group counterparts of … Read more