Proximal bundle methods for hybrid weakly convex composite optimization problems

This paper establishes the iteration-complexity of proximal bundle methods for solving hybrid (i.e., a blend of smooth and nonsmooth) weakly convex composite optimization (HWC-CO) problems. This is done in a unified manner by considering a proximal bundle framework (PBF) based on a generic bundle update scheme which includes various well-known bundle update schemes. In contrast … Read more

On a Frank-Wolfe Approach for Abs-smooth Functions

We propose an algorithm which appears to be the first bridge between the fields of conditional gradient methods and abs-smooth optimization. Our problem setting is motivated by various applications that lead to nonsmoothness, such as $\ell_1$ regularization, phase retrieval problems, or ReLU activation in machine learning. To handle the nonsmoothness in our problem, we propose … Read more

On an iteratively reweighted linesearch based algorithm for nonconvex composite optimization

In this paper we propose a new algorithm for solving a class of nonsmooth nonconvex problems, which is obtained by combining the iteratively reweighted scheme with a finite number of forward–backward iterations based on a linesearch procedure. The new method overcomes some limitations of linesearch forward–backward methods, since it can be applied also to minimize … Read more

A Semismooth Conjugate Gradients Method — Theoretical Analysis

In large scale applications, deterministic and stochastic variants of Cauchy’s steepest descent method are widely used for the minimization of objectives that are only piecewise smooth. In this paper we analyse a  deterministic descent method based on the generalization of rescaled conjugate gradients proposed by Philip Wolfe in 1975 for objectives that are convex. Without … Read more

A Levenberg-Marquardt Method for Nonsmooth Regularized Least Squares

We develop a Levenberg-Marquardt method for minimizing the sum of a smooth nonlinear least-squares term \(f(x) = \frac{1}{2} \|F(x)\|_2^2\) and a nonsmooth term \(h\). Both \(f\) and \(h\) may be nonconvex. Steps are computed by minimizing the sum of a regularized linear least-squares model and a model of \(h\) using a first-order method such as … Read more

Regularized Nonsmooth Newton Algorithms for Best Approximation

We consider the problem of finding the best approximation point from a polyhedral set, and its applications, in particular to solving large-scale linear programs. The classical projection problem has many various and many applications. We study a regularized nonsmooth Newton type solution method where the Jacobian is singular; and we compare the computational performance to … Read more

A Riemannian ADMM

We consider a class of Riemannian optimization problems where the objective is the sum of a smooth function and a nonsmooth function, considered in the ambient space. This class of problems finds important applications in machine learning and statistics such as the sparse principal component analysis, sparse spectral clustering, and orthogonal dictionary learning. We propose … Read more

The cost of nonconvexity in deterministic nonsmooth optimization

We study the impact of nonconvexity on the complexity of nonsmooth optimization, emphasizing objectives such as piecewise linear functions, which may not be weakly convex. We focus on a dimension-independent analysis, slightly modifying a black-box algorithm of Zhang et al. that approximates an $\epsilon$-stationary point of any directionally differentiable Lipschitz objective using $O(\epsilon^{-4})$ calls to … Read more

The projective exact penalty method for general constrained optimization

A new projective exact penalty function method is proposed for the equivalent reduction of constrained optimization problems to nonsmooth unconstrained ones. In the method, the original objective function is extended to infeasible points by summing its value at the projection of an infeasible point on the feasible set with the distance to the projection. The … Read more