Approximation Theory of Matrix Rank Minimization and Its Application to Quadratic Equations

Matrix rank minimization problems are gaining a plenty of recent attention in both mathematical and engineering fields. This class of problems, arising in various and across-discipline applications, is known to be NP-hard in general. In this paper, we aim at providing an approximation theory for the rank minimization problem, and prove that a rank minimization … Read more

On the convergence of trust region algorithms for unconstrained minimization without derivatives

We consider iterative trust region algorithms for the unconstrained minimization of an objective function F(x) of n variables, when F is differentiable but no derivatives are available, and when each model of F is a linear or quadratic polynomial. The models interpolate F at n+1 points, which defines them uniquely when they are linear polynomials. … Read more

An Iterative algorithm for large size Least-Squares constrained regularization problems.

In this paper we propose an iterative algorithm to solve large size linear inverse ill posed problems. The regularization problem is formulated as a constrained optimization problem. The dual lagrangian problem is iteratively solved to compute an approximate solution. Before starting the iterations, the algorithm computes the necessary smoothing parameters and the error tolerances from … Read more

A parametric active set method for quadratic programs with vanishing constraints

Combinatorial and logic constraints arising in a number of challenging optimization applications can be formulated as vanishing constraints. Quadratic programs with vanishing constraints (QPVCs) then arise as subproblems during the numerical solution of such problems using algorithms of the Sequential Quadratic Programming type. QPVCs are nonconvex problems violating standard constraint qualifications. In this paper, we … Read more

Convergence of descent methods for semi-algebraic and tame problems: proximal algorithms, forward-backward splitting, and regularized Gauss-Seidel methods

In view of the minimization of a nonsmooth nonconvex function f, we prove an abstract convergence result for descent methods satisfying a sufficient-decrease assumption, and allowing a relative error tolerance. Our result guarantees the convergence of bounded sequences, under the assumption that the function f satisfies the Kurdyka-Lojasiewicz inequality. This assumption allows to cover a … Read more

Complexity bounds for second-order optimality in unconstrained optimization

This paper examines worst-case evaluation bounds for finding weak minimizers in unconstrained optimization. For the cubic regularization algorithm, Nesterov and Polyak (2006) and Cartis, Gould and Toint (2010) show that at most O(epsilon^{-3}) iterations may have to be performed for finding an iterate which is within epsilon of satisfying second-order optimality conditions. We first show … Read more

The central curve in linear programming

The central curve of a linear program is an algebraic curve specified by linear and quadratic constraints arising from complementary slackness. It is the union of the various central paths for minimizing or maximizing the cost function over any region in the associated hyperplane arrangement. We determine the degree, arithmetic genus and defining prime ideal … Read more

Preconditioning and Globalizing Conjugate Gradients in Dual Space for Quadratically Penalized Nonlinear-Least Squares Problems

When solving nonlinear least-squares problems, it is often useful to regularize the problem using a quadratic term, a practice which is especially common in applications arising in inverse calculations. A solution method derived from a trust-region Gauss-Newton algorithm is analyzed for such applications, where, contrary to the standard algorithm, the least-squares subproblem solved at each … Read more

A Continuous Dynamical Newton-Like Approach to Solving Monotone Inclusions

We introduce non-autonomous continuous dynamical systems which are linked to Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt methods. They aim at solving inclusions governed by maximal monotone operators in Hilbert spaces. Relying on Minty representation of maximal monotone operators as lipschitzian manifolds, we show that these dynamics can be formulated as first-order in time differential systems, which are relevant … Read more

Solving structured nonlinear least-squares and nonlinear feasibility problems with expensive functions

We present an algorithm for nonlinear least-squares and nonlinear feasibility problems, i.e. for systems of nonlinear equations and nonlinear inequalities, which depend on the outcome of expensive functions for which derivatives are assumed to be unavailable. Our algorithm combines derivative-free techniques with filter trust-region methods to keep the number of expensive function evaluations low and … Read more