Semidefinite Relaxations for Non-Convex Quadratic Mixed-Integer Programming

We present semidefinite relaxations for unconstrained non-convex quadratic mixed-integer optimization problems. These relaxations yield tight bounds and are computationally easy to solve for medium-sized instances, even if some of the variables are integer and unbounded. In this case, the problem contains an infinite number of linear constraints; these constraints are separated dynamically. We use this … Read more

An Effective Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Convex Quadratic Integer Programming

We present a branch-and-bound algorithm for minimizing a convex quadratic objective function over integer variables subject to convex constraints. In a given node of the enumeration tree, corresponding to the fixing of a subset of the variables, a lower bound is given by the continuous minimum of the restricted objective function. We improve this bound … Read more

Inexact Bundle Methods for Two-Stage Stochastic Programming

Stochastic programming problems arise in many practical situations. In general, the deterministic equivalents of these problems can be very large and may not be solvable directly by general-purpose optimization approaches. For the particular case of two-stage stochastic programs, we consider decomposition approaches akin to a regularized L-shaped method that can handle inexactness in the subproblem … Read more

Penalty Decomposition Methods for Rank Minimization

In this paper we consider general rank minimization problems with rank appearing in either objective function or constraint. We first show that a class of matrix optimization problems can be solved as lower dimensional vector optimization problems. As a consequence, we establish that a class of rank minimization problems have closed form solutions. Using this … Read more

Penalty Decomposition Methods for hBcNorm Minimization

In this paper we consider general l0-norm minimization problems, that is, the problems with l0-norm appearing in either objective function or constraint. In particular, we first reformulate the l0-norm constrained problem as an equivalent rank minimization problem and then apply the penalty decomposition (PD) method proposed in [33] to solve the latter problem. By utilizing … Read more

Convergence rate of inexact proximal point methods with relative error criteria for convex optimization

In this paper, we consider a class of inexact proximal point methods for convex optimization which allows a relative error tolerance in the approximate solution of each proximal subproblem. By exploiting the special structure of convex optimization problems, we are able to derive surprising complexity bounds for the aforementioned class. As a consequence, we show … Read more

On Doubly Positive Semidefinite Programming Relaxations

Recently, researchers have been interested in studying the semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxation model, where the matrix is both positive semidefinite and entry-wise nonnegative, for quadratically constrained quadratic programming (QCQP). Comparing to the basic SDP relaxation, this doubly-positive SDP model possesses additional O(n2) constraints, which makes the SDP solution complexity substantially higher than that for the … Read more

Elementary optimality conditions for nonlinear SDPs

The goal of this paper is an easy and self-contained presentation of optimality conditions for nonlinear semidefinite programs concentrating on the differences between nonlinear semidefinite programs and nonlinear programs. Citation Technical Report, Department of Mathematics, Universit\”at D\”usseldorf. Article Download View Elementary optimality conditions for nonlinear SDPs

On convex relaxations for quadratically constrained quadratic programming

We consider convex relaxations for the problem of minimizing a (possibly nonconvex) quadratic objective subject to linear and (possibly nonconvex) quadratic constraints. Let F denote the feasible region for the linear constraints. We first show that replacing the quadratic objective and constraint functions with their convex lower envelopes on F is dominated by an alternative … Read more

A Linearly Convergent Algorithm for Solving a Class of Nonconvex/Affine Feasibility Problems

We introduce a class of nonconvex/affine feasibility problems, called (NCF), that consists of finding a point in the intersection of affine constraints with a nonconvex closed set. This class captures some interesting fundamental and NP hard problems arising in various application areas such as sparse recovery of signals and affine rank minimization that we briefly … Read more