On the shortest path game

In this work we address a game theoretic variant of the shortest path problem, in which two decision makers (agents/players) move together along the edges of a graph from a given starting vertex to a given destination. The two players take turns in deciding in each vertex which edge to traverse next. The decider in … Read more

Splitting methods with variable metric for KL functions

We study the convergence of general abstract descent methods applied to a lower semicontinuous nonconvex function f that satis es the Kurdyka-Lojasiewicz inequality in a Hilbert space. We prove that any precompact sequence converges to a critical point of f and obtain new convergence rates both for the values and the iterates. The analysis covers alternating … Read more

A dynamic gradient approach to Pareto optimization with nonsmooth nonconvex objective functions

In a general Hilbert framework, we consider continuous gradient-like dynamical systems for constrained multiobjective optimization involving non-smooth convex objective functions. Our approach is in the line of a previous work where was considered the case of convex di erentiable objective functions. Based on the Yosida regularization of the subdi erential operators involved in the system, we obtain … Read more

On the effects of combining objectives in multi-objective optimization

In multi-objective optimization, one considers optimization problems with more than one objective function, and in general these objectives conflict each other. As the solution set of a multiobjective problem is often rather large and contains points of no interest to the decision-maker, strategies are sought that reduce the size of the solution set. One such … Read more

On the Complexity of the Traveling Umpire Problem

The traveling umpire problem (TUP) consists of determining which games will be handled by each one of several umpire crews during a double round-robin tournament. The objective is to minimize the total distance traveled by the umpires, while respecting constraints that include visiting every team at home, and not seeing a team or venue too … Read more

Minimal Points, Variational Principles, and Variable Preferences in Set Optimization

The paper is devoted to variational analysis of set-valued mappings acting from quasimetric spaces into topological spaces with variable ordering structures. Besides the mathematical novelty, our motivation comes from applications to adaptive dynamical models of behavioral sciences. We develop a unified dynamical approach to variational principles in such settings based on the new minimal point … Read more

Approximating Pareto Curves using Semidefinite Relaxations

We consider the problem of constructing an approximation of the Pareto curve associated with the multiobjective optimization problem $\min_{x \in S} \{(f_1(x),f_2(x))\}$, where $f_1$ and $f_2$ are two conflicting positive polynomial criteria and $S \subset R^n$ is a compact basic semialgebraic set. We provide a systematic numerical scheme to approximate the Pareto curve. We start … Read more

Surrogate upper bound sets for bi-objective bi-dimensional binary knapsack problems

The paper deals with the definition and the computation of surrogate upper bound sets for the bi-objective bi-dimensional binary knapsack problem. It introduces the Optimal Convex Surrogate Upper Bound set, which is the tightest possible definition based on the convex relaxation of the surrogate relaxation. Two exact algorithms are proposed: an enumerative algorithm and its … Read more

Fixed points and variational principles with applications to capability theory of wellbeing via variational rationality

In this paper we first develop two new results of variational analysis. One is a fixed point theorem for parametric dynamic systems in quasimetric spaces, which can also be interpreted as an existence theorem of minimal points with respect to reflexive and transitive preferences for sets in products spaces. The other one is a variational … Read more

A globally convergent trust-region algorithm for unconstrained derivative-free optimization

In this work we explicit a derivative-free trust-region algorithm for unconstrained optimization based on the paper (Computational Optimization and Applications 53: 527-555, 2012) proposed by Powell. The objective function is approximated by quadratic models obtained by polynomial interpolation. The number of points of the interpolation set is fixed. In each iteration only one interpolation point … Read more