A Robust Rolling Horizon Framework for Empty Repositioning

Naturally imbalanced freight flows force consolidation carriers to reposition resources empty. When constructing empty repositioning plans, the cost of repositioning resources empty needs to be weighed against the cost of corrective actions in case of unavailable resources. This is especially challenging given the uncertainty of future demand. We design and implement a robust rolling horizon … Read more

A decomposition resolution approach for a production inventory- distribution-routing problem

The aim of this study is to develop a solution to the problem of distribution of goods proposed by the Mathematical Competitive Game 2017-2018, jointly organized by the French Federation of Mathematical Games and Mathematical Modelling Company. Referred to as a production-inventory-distribution-routing problem (PIDRP), it is an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem, which received the least … Read more

Optimal Residential Coordination Via Demand Response: A Distributed Framework

This paper proposes an optimization framework for retailers that are involved in demand response (DR) programs. In a first phase responsive users optimize their own household consumption, characterizing not only their appliances and equipment but also their comfort preferences. Then, the retailer exploits in a second phase this preliminary non-coordinated solution to implement a strategy … Read more

Optimal Residential Users Coordination Via Demand Response: An Exact Distributed Framework

This paper proposes a two-phase optimization framework for users that are involved in demand response (DR) programs. In a first phase, responsive users optimize their own household consumption, characterizing not only their appliances and equipments but also their comfort preferences. Subsequently, the aggregator exploits in a second phase this preliminary non-coordinated solution by implementing a … Read more

Solving Binary-Constrained Mixed Complementarity Problems Using Continuous Reformulations

Mixed complementarity problems are of great importance in practice since they appear in various fields of applications like energy markets, optimal stopping, or traffic equilibrium problems. However, they are also very challenging due to their inherent, nonconvex structure. In addition, recent applications require the incorporation of integrality constraints. Since complementarity problems often model some kind … Read more

A Hybrid Gradient Method for Strictly Convex Quadratic Programming

In this paper, a reliable hybrid algorithm for solving convex quadratic minimization problems is presented. At each iteration, two points are computed: first, an auxiliary point $\dot{x}_k$ is generated by performing a gradient step equipped with an optimal steplength, then, the next iterate $x_{k+1}$ is obtained through a weighted sum of $\dot{x}_k$ with the penultimate … Read more

Evaluating on-demand warehousing via dynamic facility location models

On-demand warehousing platforms match companies with underutilized warehouse and distribution capabilities with customers who need extra space or distribution services. These new business models have unique advantages, in terms of reduced capacity and commitment granularity, but also have different cost structures compared to traditional ways of obtaining distribution capabilities. This research is the first quantitative … Read more

Sum theorems for maximal monotone operators under weak compactness conditions

This note presents a summary of our most recent results concerning the maximal monotonicity of the sum of two maximal monotone operators defined in a locally convex space under the classical interiority qualification condition when one of their domains or ranges has a weak relative compactness property. Citation NA Article Download View Sum theorems for … Read more

Mixed-Integer Optimal Control Problems with switching costs: A shortest path approach

We investigate an extension of Mixed-Integer Optimal Control Problems (MIOCPs) by adding switching costs, which enables the penalization of chattering and extends current modeling capabilities. The decomposition approach, consisting of solving a partial outer convexification to obtain a relaxed solution and using rounding schemes to obtain a discrete-valued control can still be applied, but the … Read more

Computational study of a branching algorithm for the maximum k-cut problem

This work considers the graph partitioning problem known as maximum k-cut. It focuses on investigating features of a branch-and-bound method to efficiently obtain global solutions. An exhaustive experimental study is carried out for two main components of a branch-and-bound algorithm: computing bounds and branching strategies. In particular, we propose the use of a variable neighborhood … Read more