A method for weighted projections to the positive definite cone

We study the numerical solution of the problem $\min_{X \ge 0} \|BX-c\|2$, where $X$ is a symmetric square matrix, and $B$ a linear operator, such that $B^*B$ is invertible. With $\rho$ the desired fractional duality gap, we prove $O(\sqrt{m}\log\rho^{-1})$ iteration complexity for a simple primal-dual interior point method directly based on those for linear programs … Read more

An adaptive accelerated first-order method for convex optimization

This paper presents a new accelerated variant of Nesterov’s method for solving composite convex optimization problems in which certain acceleration parameters are adaptively (and aggressively) chosen so as to substantially improve its practical performance compared to existing accelerated variants while at the same time preserve the optimal iteration-complexity shared by these methods. Computational results are … Read more

A Family of Second-Order Methods for Convex L1-Regularized Optimization

This paper is concerned with the minimization of an objective that is the sum of a convex function $f$ and an $\ell_1$ regularization term. Our interest is in methods that incorporate second-order information about the function $f$ to accelerate convergence. We describe a semi-smooth Newton framework that can be used to generate a variety of … Read more

Solution of monotone complementarity and general convex programming problems using modified potential reduction interior point method

We present a homogeneous algorithm equipped with a modified potential function for the monotone complementarity problem. We show that this potential function is reduced by at least a constant amount if a scaled Lipschitz condition is satis ed. A practical algorithm based on this potential function is implemented in a software package named iOptimize. The implementation … Read more

Non-Convex Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming: A Survey

A wide range of problems arising in practical applications can be formulated as Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programs (MINLPs). For the case in which the objective and constraint functions are convex, some quite effective exact and heuristic algorithms are available. When non-convexities are present, however, things become much more difficult, since then even the continuous relaxation is … Read more

Numerical Optimization of Eigenvalues of Hermitian Matrix Functions

The eigenvalues of a Hermitian matrix function that depends on one parameter analytically can be ordered so that each eigenvalue is an analytic function of the parameter. Ordering these analytic eigenvalues from the largest to the smallest yields continuous and piece-wise analytic functions. For multi-variate Hermitian matrix functions that depend on $d$ parameters analytically, the … Read more

On spectral properties of steepest descent methods

In recent years it has been made more and more clear that the critical issue in gradient methods is the choice of the step length, whereas using the gradient as search direction may lead to very effective algorithms, whose surprising behaviour has been only partially explained, mostly in terms of the spectrum of the Hessian … Read more

Constraint Reduction with Exact Penalization for Model-Predictive Rotorcraft Control

Model Predictive Control (also known as Receding Horizon Control (RHC)) has been highly successful in process control applications. Its use for aerospace applications has been hindered by its high computational requirements. In the present paper, we propose using enhanced primal-dual interior-point optimization techniques in the convex-quadratic-program-based RHC control of a rotorcraft. Our enhancements include a … Read more

An Adaptive Gradient Sampling Algorithm for Nonsmooth Optimization

We present an algorithm for the minimization of f : Rn → R, assumed to be locally Lipschitz and continuously differentiable in an open dense subset D of Rn. The objective f may be non-smooth and/or non-convex. The method is based on the gradient sampling (GS) algorithm of Burke et al. [A robust gradient sampling … Read more

Subspace accelerated matrix splitting algorithms for bound-constrained quadratic programming and linear complementarity problems

This paper studies the solution of two problems—bound-constrained quadratic programs and linear complementarity problems—by two-phase methods that consist of an active set prediction phase and a subspace phase. The algorithms enjoy favorable convergence properties under weaker assumptions than those assumed for other methods in the literature. The active set prediction phase employs matrix splitting iterations … Read more