Improved Conic Reformulations for K-means Clustering

In this paper, we show that the popular K-means clustering problem can equivalently be reformulated as a conic program of polynomial size. The arising convex optimization problem is NP-hard, but amenable to a tractable semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxation that is tighter than the current SDP relaxation schemes in the literature. In contrast to the existing … Read more

DSOS and SDSOS Optimization: More Tractable Alternatives to Sum of Squares and Semidefinite Optimization

In recent years, optimization theory has been greatly impacted by the advent of sum of squares (SOS) optimization. The reliance of this technique on large-scale semidefinite programs however, has limited the scale of problems to which it can be applied. In this paper, we introduce DSOS and SDSOS optimization as linear programming and second-order cone … Read more

Robust Quadratic Programming with Mixed-Integer Uncertainty

We study robust convex quadratic programs where the uncertain problem parameters can contain both continuous and integer components. Under the natural boundedness assumption on the uncertainty set, we show that the generic problems are amenable to exact copositive programming reformulations of polynomial size. These convex optimization problems are NP-hard but admit a conservative semidefinite programming … Read more

Polynomial Norms

In this paper, we study polynomial norms, i.e. norms that are the dth root of a degree-d homogeneous polynomial f. We first show that a necessary and sufficient condition for f^(1/d) to be a norm is for f to be strictly convex, or equivalently, convex and positive definite. Though not all norms come from dth … Read more

Plea for a semidefinite optimization solver in complex numbers

Numerical optimization in complex numbers has drawn much less attention than in real numbers. A widespread opinion is that, since a complex number is a pair of real numbers, the best strategy to solve a complex optimization problem is to transform it into real numbers and to solve the latter by a real number solver. … Read more

Matrix Minor Reformulation and SOCP-based Spatial Branch-and-Cut Method for the AC Optimal Power Flow Problem

Alternating current optimal power flow (AC OPF) is one of the most fundamental optimization problems in electrical power systems. It can be formulated as a semidefinite program (SDP) with rank constraints. Solving AC OPF, that is, obtaining near optimal primal solutions as well as high quality dual bounds for this non-convex program, presents a major … Read more

A semi-analytical approach for the positive semidefinite Procrustes problem

The positive semidefinite Procrustes (PSDP) problem is the following: given rectangular matrices $X$ and $B$, find the symmetric positive semidefinite matrix $A$ that minimizes the Frobenius norm of $AX-B$. No general procedure is known that gives an exact solution. In this paper, we present a semi-analytical approach to solve the PSDP problem. First, we characterize … Read more

Computing Weighted Analytic Center for Linear Matrix Inequalities Using Infeasible Newton’s Method

We study the problem of computing weighted analytic center for system of linear matrix inequality constraints. The problem can be solved using the Standard Newton’s method. However, this approach requires that a starting point in the interior point of the feasible region be given or a Phase I problem be solved. We address the problem … Read more

Statistical Inference of Semidefinite Programming

In this paper we consider covariance structural models with which we associate semidefinite programming problems. We discuss statistical properties of estimates of the respective optimal value and optimal solutions when the `true’ covariance matrix is estimated by its sample counterpart. The analysis is based on perturbation theory of semidefinite programming. As an example we consider … Read more

Geometry of 3D Environments and Sum of Squares Polynomials

Motivated by applications in robotics and computer vision, we study problems related to spatial reasoning of a 3D environment using sublevel sets of polynomials. These include: tightly containing a cloud of points (e.g., representing an obstacle) with convex or nearly-convex basic semialgebraic sets, computation of Euclidean distance between two such sets, separation of two convex … Read more