Distributionally Robust Facility Location with Bimodal Random Demand

In this paper, we consider a decision-maker who wants to determine a subset of locations from a given set of candidate sites to open facilities and accordingly assign customer demand to these open facilities. Unlike classical facility location settings, we focus on a new setting where customer demand is bimodal, i.e., display, or belong to, … Read more

Mixed-integer Linear Programming Models and Algorithms for Generation and Transmission Expansion Planning of Power Systems

With the increasing penetration of renewable generating units, especially in remote areas not well connected with load demand, there are growing interests to co-optimize generation and transmission expansion planning (GTEP) in power systems. Due to the volatility in renewable generation, a planner needs to include the operating decisions into the planning model to guarantee feasibility. … Read more

Finite-Sample Guarantees for Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Optimization: Breaking the Curse of Dimensionality

Wasserstein distributionally robust optimization (DRO) aims to find robust and generalizable solutions by hedging against data perturbations in Wasserstein distance. Despite its recent empirical success in operations research and machine learning, existing performance guarantees for generic loss functions are either overly conservative due to the curse of dimensionality, or plausible only in large sample asymptotics. … Read more

Stochastic Multi-level Composition Optimization Algorithms with Level-Independent Convergence Rates

In this paper, we study smooth stochastic multi-level composition optimization problems, where the objective function is a nested composition of $T$ functions. We assume access to noisy evaluations of the functions and their gradients, through a stochastic first-order oracle. For solving this class of problems, we propose two algorithms using moving-average stochastic estimates, and analyze … Read more

Dual optimal design and the Christoffel-Darboux polynomial

The purpose of this short note is to show that the Christoffel-Darboux polynomial, useful in approximation theory and data science, arises naturally when deriving the dual to the problem of semi-algebraic D-optimal experimental design in statistics. It uses only elementary notions of convex analysis. Article Download View Dual optimal design and the Christoffel-Darboux polynomial

Optimal Residential Users Coordination Via Demand Response: An Exact Distributed Framework

This paper proposes a two-phase optimization framework for users that are involved in demand response programs. In a first phase, responsive users optimize their own household consumption, characterizing not only their appliances and equipment but also their comfort preferences. Subsequently, the aggregator exploits in a second phase this preliminary noncoordinated solution by implementing a coordination … Read more

The Strip Method for Shape Derivatives

A major challenge in shape optimization is the coupling of finite element method (FEM) codes in a way that facilitates efficient computation of shape derivatives. This is particularly difficult with multiphysics problems involving legacy codes, where the costs of implementing and maintaining shape derivative capabilities are prohibitive. The volume and boundary methods are two approaches … Read more

Finding the strongest stable massless column with a follower load and relocatable concentrated masses

We consider the problem of optimal placement of concentrated masses along a massless elastic column that is clamped at one end and loaded by a nonconservative follower force at the free end. The goal is to find the largest possible interval such that the variation in the loading parameter within this interval preserves stability of … Read more

Split Bregman iteration for multi-period mean variance portfolio optimization

This paper investigates the problem of defining an optimal long-term investment strategy, where the investor can exit the investment before maturity without severe loss. Our setting is a multi-period one, where the aim is tomake a plan for allocating all of wealth among the n assets within a time horizon of m periods. In addition, … Read more

Accuracy and fairness trade-offs in machine learning: A stochastic multi-objective approach

In the application of machine learning to real life decision-making systems, e.g., credit scoring and criminal justice, the prediction outcomes might discriminate against people with sensitive attributes, leading to unfairness. The commonly used strategy in fair machine learning is to include fairness as a constraint or a penalization term in the minimization of the prediction … Read more