Markov Chain-based Policies for Multi-stage Stochastic Integer Linear Programming with an Application to Disaster Relief Logistics

We introduce an aggregation framework to address multi-stage stochastic programs with mixed-integer state variables and continuous local variables (MSILPs). Our aggregation framework imposes additional structure to the integer state variables by leveraging the information of the underlying stochastic process, which is modeled as a Markov chain (MC). We demonstrate that the aggregated MSILP can be … Read more

V-polyhedral disjunctive cuts

We introduce V-polyhedral disjunctive cuts (VPCs) for generating valid inequalities from general disjunctions. Cuts are critical to integer programming solvers, but the benefit from many families is only realized when the cuts are applied recursively, causing numerical instability and “tailing off” of cut strength after several rounds. To mitigate these difficulties, the VPC framework offers … Read more

Recursive McCormick Linearization of Multilinear Programs

Linear programming (LP) relaxations are widely employed in exact solution methods for multilinear programs (MLP). One example is the family of Recursive McCormick Linearization (RML) strategies, where bilinear products are substituted for artificial variables, which deliver a relaxation of the original problem when introduced together with concave and convex envelopes. In this article, we introduce … Read more

Efficient composite heuristics for integer bound constrained noisy optimization

This paper discusses a composite algorithm for bound constrained noisy derivative-free optimization problems with integer variables. This algorithm is an integer variant of the matrix adaptation evolution strategy. An integer derivative-free line search strategy along affine scaling matrix directions is used to generate candidate points. Each affine scaling matrix direction is a product of the … Read more

Dendrograms, Minimum Spanning Trees and Feature Selection

Feature selection is a fundamental process to avoid overfitting and to reduce the size of databases without significant loss of information that applies to hierarchical clustering. Dendrograms are graphical representations of hierarchical clustering algorithms that for single linkage clustering can be interpreted as minimum spanning trees in the complete network defined by the database. In … Read more

Maximizing resilience in large-scale social networks

Motivated by the importance of social resilience as a crucial element in cascading leaving of users from a social network, we study identifying a largest relaxed variant of a degree-based cohesive subgraph: the maximum anchored k-core problem. Given graph G=(V,E) and integers k and b, the maximum anchored k-core problem seeks to find a largest … Read more

Using Multiple Reference Vectors and Objective Scaling in the Feasibility Pump

The Feasibility Pump (FP) is one of the best-known primal heuristics for mixed-integer programming (MIP): more than 15 papers suggested various modifications of all of its steps. So far, no variant considered information across multiple iterations, but all instead maintained the principle to optimize towards a single reference integer point. In this paper, we evaluate … Read more

A Penalty Branch-and-Bound Method for Mixed-Integer Quadratic Bilevel Problems

We propose an algorithm for solving bilevel problems with mixed-integer convex-quadratic upper level as well as convex-quadratic and continuous lower level. The method is based on a classic branch-and-bound procedure, where branching is performed on the integer constraints and on the complementarity constraints resulting from the KKT reformulation of the lower-level problem. However, instead of … Read more

Computing an enclosure for multiobjective mixed-integer nonconvex optimization problems using piecewise linear relaxations

In this paper, a new method for computing an enclosure of the nondominated set of multiobjective mixed-integer problems without any convexity requirements is presented. In fact, our criterion space method makes use of piecewise linear relaxations in order to bypass the nonconvexity of the original problem. The method chooses adaptively which level of relaxation is … Read more

Routing and resource allocation in non-profit settings with equity and efficiency measures under demand uncertainty

Motivated by food distribution operations for non-profit organizations, we study a variant of the stochastic routing-allocation problem under demand uncertainty, in which one decides the assignment of trucks for demand nodes, the sequence of demand nodes to visit (i.e., truck route), and the allocation of food supply to each demand node. We propose three stochastic … Read more