Decentralized Online Integer Programming Problems with a Coupling Cardinality Constraint

We consider a problem involving a set of agents who need to coordinate their actions to optimize the sum of their objectives while satisfying a common resource constraint. The objective functions of the agents are unknown to them a priori and are revealed in an online manner. The resulting problem is an online optimization problem … Read more

Two-row and two-column mixed-integer presolve using hash-based pairing methods

In state-of-the-art mixed-integer programming solvers, a large array of reduction techniques are applied to simplify the problem and strengthen the model formulation before starting the actual branch-and-cut phase. Despite their mathematical simplicity, these methods can have significant impact on the solvability of a given problem. However, a crucial property for employing presolving techniques successfully is … Read more

Domain-Driven Solver (DDS): a MATLAB-based Software Package for Convex Optimization Problems in Domain-Driven Form

Domain-Driven Solver (DDS) is a MATLAB-based software package for convex optimization problems in Domain-Driven form [11]. The current version of DDS accepts every combination of the following function/set constraints: (1) symmetric cones (LP, SOCP, and SDP); (2) quadratic constraints; (3) direct sums of an arbitrary collection of 2-dimensional convex sets defined as the epigraphs of … Read more

MIPLIB 2017: Data-Driven Compilation of the 6th Mixed-Integer Programming Library

We report on the selection process leading to the sixth version of the Mixed Integer Programming Library. Selected from an initial pool of 5,721 instances, the new MIPLIB 2017 collection consists of 1,065 instances. A subset of 240 instances was specially selected for benchmarking solver performance. For the first time, these sets were compiled using … Read more

HyperNOMAD: Hyperparameter optimization of deep neural networks using mesh adaptive direct search

The performance of deep neural networks is highly sensitive to the choice of the hyperparameters that define the structure of the network and the learning process. When facing a new application, tuning a deep neural network is a tedious and time consuming process that is often described as a “dark art”. This explains the necessity … Read more

A Generic Exact Solver for Vehicle Routing and Related Problems

Major advances were recently obtained in the exact solution of Vehicle Routing Problems (VRPs). Sophisticated Branch-Cut-and-Price (BCP) algorithms for some of the most classical VRP variants now solve many instances with up to a few hundreds of customers. However, adapting and reimplementing those successful algorithms for other variants can be a very demanding task. This … Read more

A Python package for multi-stage stochastic programming

This paper presents a Python package to solve multi-stage stochastic linear programs (MSLP) and multi-stage stochastic integer programs (MSIP). Algorithms based on an extensive formulation and Stochastic Dual Dynamic (Integer) Programming (SDDP/SDDiP) method are implemented. The package is synthetically friendly and has a number of features which are not available in the competing software packages. … Read more

Detection and Transformation of Second-Order Cone Programming Problems in a General-Purpose Algebraic Modeling Language

Diverse forms of nonlinear optimization problems can be recast to the special form of second-order cone problems (SOCPs), permitting a wider variety of highly effective solvers to be applied. Popular solvers assume, however, that the necessary transformations to required canonical forms have already been identified and carried out. We describe a general approach to the … Read more

Scalable Preconditioning of Block-Structured Linear Algebra Systems using ADMM

We study the solution of block-structured linear algebra systems arising in optimization by using iterative solution techniques. These systems are the core computational bottleneck of many problems of interest such as parameter estimation, optimal control, network optimization, and stochastic programming. Our approach uses a Krylov solver (GMRES) that is preconditioned with an alternating method of … Read more

On Electricity Market Equilibria with Storage: Modeling, Uniqueness, and a Distributed ADMM

We consider spot-market trading of electricity including storage operators as additional agents besides producers and consumers. Storages allow for shifting produced electricity from one time period to a later one. Due to this, multiple market equilibria may occur even if classical uniqueness assumptions for the case without storages are satisfied. For models containing storage operators, … Read more