Implicit Regularization of Sub-Gradient Method in Robust Matrix Recovery: Don’t be Afraid of Outliers

It is well-known that simple short-sighted algorithms, such as gradient descent, generalize well in the over-parameterized learning tasks, due to their implicit regularization. However, it is unknown whether the implicit regularization of these algorithms can be extended to robust learning tasks, where a subset of samples may be grossly corrupted with noise. In this work, … Read more

Scalable Inference of Sparsely-changing Markov Random Fields with Strong Statistical Guarantees

In this paper, we study the problem of inferring time-varying Markov random fields (MRF), where the underlying graphical model is both sparse and changes sparsely over time. Most of the existing methods for the inference of time-varying MRFs rely on the regularized maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), that typically suffer from weak statistical guarantees and high … Read more

Solving set-valued optimization problems using a multiobjective approach

Set-valued optimization using the set approach is a research topic of high interest due to its practical relevance and numerous interdependencies to other fields of optimization. However, it is a very difficult task to solve these optimzation problems even for specific cases. In this paper we study set-valued optimization problems and develop a multiobjective optimization … Read more

Minimizing delays of patient transports with incomplete information: A modeling approach based on the Vehicle Routing Problem

We investigate a challenging task in ambulatory care, the minimizing of delays of patient transports. In practice, a limited number of vehicles is available for non-rescue transports. Furthermore, the dispatcher rarely has access to complete information when establishing a transport plan for dispatching the vehicles. If additional transport is requested on demand then schedules need … Read more

Variants of the A-HPE and large-step A-HPE algorithms for strongly convex problems with applications to accelerated high-order tensor methods

For solving strongly convex optimization problems, we propose and study the global convergence of variants of the A-HPE and large-step A-HPE algorithms of Monteiro and Svaiter. We prove \emph{linear} and the \emph{superlinear} $\mathcal{O}\left(k^{\,-k\left(\frac{p-1}{p+1}\right)}\right)$ global rates for the proposed variants of the A-HPE and large-step A-HPE methods, respectively. The parameter $p\geq 2$ appears in the (high-order) … Read more

A simulation-based optimization approach for the calibration of a discrete event simulation model of an emergency department

Accurate modeling of the patient flow within an Emergency Department (ED) is required by all studies dealing with the increasing and well-known problem of overcrowding. Since Discrete Event Simulation (DES) models are often adopted with the aim of assessing solutions for reducing the impact of this worldwide phenomenon, an accurate estimation of the service time … Read more

An exact price-cut-and-enumerate method for the capacitated multi-trip vehicle routing problem with time windows

We consider the capacitated multi-trip vehicle routing problem with time windows (CMTVRPTW), where vehicles are allowed to make multiple trips. The ability to perform multiple trips is necessary for some real-world applications where the vehicle capacity, the trip duration, or the number of drivers or vehicles is limited. However, it substantially increases the solution difficulty … Read more

New notions of simultaneous diagonalizability of quadratic forms with applications to QCQPs

A set of quadratic forms is simultaneously diagonalizable via congruence (SDC) if there exists a basis under which each of the quadratic forms is diagonal. This property appears naturally when analyzing quadratically constrained quadratic programs (QCQPs) and has important implications in this context. This paper extends the reach of the SDC property by studying two … Read more

A Bilevel Optimization Approach to Decide the Feasibility of Bookings in the European Gas Market

The European gas market is organized as a so-called entry-exit system with the main goal to decouple transport and trading. To this end, gas traders and the transmission system operator (TSO) sign so-called booking contracts that grant capacity rights to traders to inject or withdraw gas at certain nodes up to this capacity. On a … Read more

On the Structure of Decision Diagram-Representable Mixed Integer Programs with Application to Unit Commitment

Over the past decade, decision diagrams (DDs) have been used to model and solve integer programming and combinatorial optimization problems. Despite successful performance of DDs in solving various discrete optimization problems, their extension to model mixed integer programs (MIPs) such as those appearing in energy applications has been lacking. More broadly, the question on which … Read more