Correlation analysis between the vibroacoustic behavior of steering gear and ball nut assemblies in the automotive industry

The increase in quality standards in the automotive industry requires specifications to be propagated across the supply chain, a challenge exacerbated in domains where the quality is subjective. In the daily operations of ThyssenKrupp Presta AG, requirements imposed on the vibroacoustic quality of steering gear need to be passed down to their subcomponents. We quantify … Read more

Interior Point Methods and Preconditioning for PDE-Constrained Optimization Problems Involving Sparsity Terms

PDE-constrained optimization problems with control or state constraints are challenging from an analytical as well as numerical perspective. The combination of these constraints with a sparsity-promoting L1 term within the objective function requires sophisticated optimization methods. We propose the use of an Interior Point scheme applied to a smoothed reformulation of the discretized problem, and … Read more

Solution for short-term hydrothermal scheduling with a logarithmic size MILP formulation

Short-term hydrothermal scheduling (STHS) is a non-convex and non-differentiable optimization problem that is difficult to solve efficiently. One of the most popular strategy is to reformulate the complicated STHS by various linearization techniques that makes the problem easy to solve. However, in this process, a large number of extra continuous variables, binary variables and constraints … Read more

Scalable Algorithms for the Sparse Ridge Regression

Sparse regression and variable selection for large-scale data have been rapidly developed in the past decades. This work focuses on sparse ridge regression, which enforces the sparsity by use of the L0 norm. We first prove that the continuous relaxation of the mixed integer second order conic (MISOC) reformulation using perspective formulation is equivalent to … Read more

A Fully Distributed Dual Consensus ADMM Based on Partition for DC-OPF with Carbon Emission Trading

This paper presents a novel fully distributed alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) approach for solving the direct current optimal power flow with carbon emission trading (DC-OPF-CET) problem. Different from the other ADMM-based distributed approaches which disclosing boundary buses and branches information among adjacent subsystems, our proposed method adopts a new strategy by using ADMM … Read more

Parallel and Distributed Successive Convex Approximation Methods for Big-Data Optimization

Recent years have witnessed a surge of interest in parallel and distributed optimization methods for large-scale systems. In particular, nonconvex large-scale optimization problems have found a wide range of applications in several engineering fields. The design and the analysis of such complex, large-scale, systems pose several challenges and call for the development of new optimization … Read more

Provably High-Quality Solutions for the Meal Delivery Routing Problem

Online restaurant aggregators with integrated meal delivery networks have become more common and more popular in the past few years. Meal delivery is arguably the ultimate challenge in last mile logistics: a typical order is expected to be delivered within an hour (much less if possible), and within minutes of the food becoming ready. We … Read more

The Synthesis Problem of Decentralized Energy Systems is strongly NP-hard

We analyze the computational complexity of the synthesis problem of decentralized energy systems. This synthesis problem consists of combining various types of energy conversion units and determining their sizing as well as operations in order to meet time-varying energy demands while maximizing an objective function, e.g., the net present value. In this paper, we prove … Read more

Optimal switching sequence for switched linear systems

We study the following optimization problem over a dynamical system that consists of several linear subsystems: Given a finite set of n-by-n matrices and an n-dimensional vector, find a sequence of K matrices, each chosen from the given set of matrices, to maximize a convex function over the product of the K matrices and the … Read more

An Improved Flow-based Formulation and Reduction Principles for the Minimum Connectivity Inference Problem

The Minimum Connectivity Inference (MCI) problem represents an NP-hard generalisation of the well-known minimum spanning tree problem and has been studied in different fields of research independently. Let an undirected complete graph and finitely many subsets (clusters) of its vertex set be given. Then, the MCI problem is to find a minimal subset of edges … Read more