A Robust Optimization Method with Successive Linear Programming for Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy

Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) is one of radiation therapies for cancers, and it is considered to be effective for complicated shapes of tumors, since dose distributions from each irradiation can be modulated arbitrary. Fluence map optimization (FMO), which optimizes beam intensities with given beam angles, is often formulated as an optimization problem with dose … Read more

Strong duality of a conic optimization problem with a single hyperplane and two cone constraints

Strong (Lagrangian) duality of general conic optimization problems (COPs) has long been studied and its profound and complicated results appear in different forms in a wide range of literatures. As a result, characterizing the known and unknown results can sometimes be difficult. The aim of this article is to provide a unified and geometric view … Read more

Ellipsoidal Classification via Semidefinite Programming

Separating two finite sets of points in a Euclidean space is a fundamental problem in classification. Customarily linear separation is used, but nonlinear separators such as spheres have been shown to have better performances in some tasks, such as edge detection in images. We exploit the relationships between the more general version of the spherical … Read more

Global Convergence of Algorithms Under Constant Rank Conditions for Nonlinear Second-Order Cone Programming

In [R. Andreani, G. Haeser, L. M. Mito, H. Ramírez C., Weak notions of nondegeneracy in nonlinear semidefinite programming, arXiv:2012.14810, 2020] the classical notion of nondegeneracy (or transversality) and Robinson’s constraint qualification have been revisited in the context of nonlinear semidefinite programming exploiting the structure of the problem, namely, its eigendecomposition. This allows formulating the … Read more

A Preconditioned Iterative Interior Point Approach to the Conic Bundle Subproblem

The conic bundle implementation of the spectral bundle method for large scale semidefinite programming solves in each iteration a semidefinite quadratic subproblem by an interior point approach. For larger cutting model sizes the limiting operation is collecting and factorizing a Schur complement of the primal-dual KKT system. We explore possibilities to improve on this by … Read more

A New Extension of Chubanov’s Method to Symmetric Cones

We propose a new variant of Chubanov’s method for solving the feasibility problem over the symmetric cone by extending Roos’s method (2018) of solving the feasibility problem over the nonnegative orthant. The proposed method considers a feasibility problem associated with a norm induced by the maximum eigenvalue of an element and uses a rescaling focusing … Read more

A Sum of Squares Characterization of Perfect Graphs

We present an algebraic characterization of perfect graphs, i.e., graphs for which the clique number and the chromatic number coincide for every induced subgraph. We show that a graph is perfect if and only if certain nonnegative polynomials associated with the graph are sums of squares. As a byproduct, we obtain several infinite families of … Read more

Exactness of Parrilo’s conic approximations for copositive matrices and associated low order bounds for the stability number of a graph

De Klerk and Pasechnik (2002) introduced the bounds $\vartheta^{(r)}(G)$ ($r\in \mathbb{N}$) for the stability number $\alpha(G)$ of a graph $G$ and conjectured exactness at order $\alpha(G)-1$: $\vartheta^{(\alpha(G)-1)}(G)=\alpha(G)$. These bounds rely on the conic approximations $\mathcal{K}_n^{(r)}$ by Parrilo (2000) for the copositive cone $\text{COP}_n$. A difficulty in the convergence analysis of $\vartheta^{(r)}$ is the bad behaviour … Read more

Presolving for Mixed-Integer Semidefinite Optimization

This paper provides a discussion and evaluation of presolving methods for mixed-integer semidefinite programs. We generalize methods from the mixed-integer linear case and introduce new methods that depend on the semidefinite condition. The considered methods include adding linear constraints, bounds relying on 2 × 2 minors of the semidefinite constraints, bound tightening based on solving … Read more

Applications of stochastic mixed-integer second-order cone optimization

Second-order cone programming problems are a tractable subclass of convex optimization problems and there are known polynomial algorithms for solving them. Stochastic second-order cone programming problems have also been studied in the past decade and efficient algorithms for solving them exist. A new class of interest to optimization community and practitioners is the mixed-integer version … Read more