A Proximal Gradient Method for Multi-objective Optimization Problems Using Bregman Functions

In this paper, a globally convergent proximal gradient method is developed for convex multi-objective optimization problems using Bregman distance. The proposed method is free from any kind of a priori chosen parameters or ordering information of objective functions. At every iteration of the proposed method, a subproblem is solved to find a descent direction. This … Read more

Integral Global Optimality Conditions and an Algorithm for Multiobjective Problems

In this work, we propose integral global optimality conditions for multiobjective problems not necessarily differentiable. The integral characterization, already known for single objective problems, are extended to multiobjective problems by weighted sum and Chebyshev weighted scalarizations. Using this last scalarization, we propose an algorithm for obtaining an approximation of the weak Pareto front whose effectiveness … Read more

Duality assertions in vector optimization w.r.t. relatively solid convex cones in real linear spaces

We derive duality assertions for vector optimization problems in real linear spaces based on a scalarization using recent results concerning the concept of relative solidness for convex cones (i.e., convex cones with nonempty intrinsic cores). In our paper, we consider an abstract vector optimization problem with generalized inequality constraints and investigate Lagrangian type duality assertions … Read more

Advancements in the computation of enclosures for multi-objective optimization problems

A central goal for multi-objective optimization problems is to compute their nondominated sets. In most cases these sets consist of infinitely many points and it is not a practical approach to compute them exactly. One solution to overcome this problem is to compute an enclosure, a special kind of coverage, of the nondominated set. One … Read more

Handling of constraints in multiobjective blackbox optimization

This work proposes the integration of two new constraint-handling approaches into the blackbox constrained multiobjective optimization algorithm DMulti-MADS, an extension of the Mesh Adaptive Direct Search (MADS) algorithm for single-objective constrained optimization. The constraints are aggregated into a single constraint violation function which is used either in a two-phase approach, where research of a feasible … Read more

Convergence rates of the stochastic alternating algorithm for bi-objective optimization

Stochastic alternating algorithms for bi-objective optimization are considered when optimizing two conflicting functions for which optimization steps have to be applied separately for each function. Such algorithms consist of applying a certain number of steps of gradient or subgradient descent on each single objective at each iteration. In this paper, we show that stochastic alternating … Read more

Semi-infinite models for equilibrium selection

In their seminal work `A General Theory of Equilibrium Selection in Games’ (The MIT Press, 1988) Harsanyi and Selten introduce the notion of payoff dominance to explain how players select some solution of a Nash equilibrium problem from a set of nonunique equilibria. We formulate this concept for generalized Nash equilibrium problems, relax payoff dominance … Read more

A solver for multiobjective mixed-integer convex and nonconvex optimization

This paper proposes a general framework for solving multiobjective nonconvex optimization problems, i.e., optimization problems in which multiple objective functions have to be optimized simultaneously. Thereby, the nonconvexity might come from the objective or constraint functions, or from integrality conditions for some of the variables. In particular, multiobjective mixed-integer convex and nonconvex optimization problems are … Read more

Distributional robustness and inequity mitigation in disaster preparedness of humanitarian operations

We study a predisaster relief network design problem with uncertain demands. The aim is to determine the prepositioning and reallocation of relief supplies. Motivated by the call of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to leave no one behind, we consider three important practical aspects of humanitarian operations: shortages, equity, … Read more

Targeted Multiobjective Dijkstra Algorithm

In this paper, we introduce the Targeted Multiobjective Dijkstra Algorithm (T-MDA), a label setting algorithm for the One-to-One Multiobjective Shortest Path (MOSP) Problem. The T-MDA is based on the recently published Multiobjective Dijkstra Algorithm (MDA) and equips it with A*-like techniques. The resulting speedup is comparable to the speedup that the original A* algorithm achieves … Read more