A stochastic multiscale model for electricity generation capacity expansion

Long-term planning for electric power systems, or capacity expansion, has traditionally been modeled using simplified models or heuristics to approximate the short-term dynamics. However, current trends such as increasing penetration of intermittent renewable generation and increased demand response requires a coupling of both the long and short term dynamics. We present an efficient method for … Read more

The Reliable Hub-and-spoke Design Problem: Models and Algorithms

This paper presents a study on reliable single and multiple allocation hub-and-spoke network design problems where disruptions at hubs and the resulting hub unavailability can be mitigated by backup hubs and alternative routes. It builds nonlinear mixed integer programming models and presents linearized formulas. To solve those difficult problems, Lagrangian relaxation and Branch-and-Bound methods are … Read more

A Matrix-Free Approach For Solving The Gaussian Process Maximum Likelihood Problem

Gaussian processes are the cornerstone of statistical analysis in many application ar- eas. Nevertheless, most of the applications are limited by their need to use the Cholesky factorization in the computation of the likelihood. In this work, we present a matrix-free approach for comput- ing the solution of the maximum likelihood problem involving Gaussian processes. … Read more


In many statistical applications one must solve linear systems corresponding to large, dense, and possibly irregularly structured covariance matrices. These matrices are often ill- conditioned; for example, the condition number increases at least linearly with respect to the size of the matrix when observations of a random process are obtained from a xed domain. This … Read more

Neighborhood based heuristics for a Two-level Hierarchical Location Problem with modular node capacities

In many telecommunication network architectures a given set of client nodes must be served by different kinds of facility, which provide di fferent services and have diff erent capabilities. Such facilities must be located and dimensioned in the design phase. We tackle a particular location problem in which two sets of facilities, mid level and high level, … Read more

A Computational Study and Survey of Methods for the Single-Row Facility Layout Problem

The single row facility layout problem (SRFLP) is an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem that is concerned with the arrangement of n departments of given lengths on a line so as to minimize the weighted sum of the distances between department pairs. (SRFLP) is the one-dimensional version of the facility layout problem that seeks to arrange … Read more

Hierarchical Classification via Orthogonal Transfer

We consider multiclass classification problems where the set of labels are organized hierarchically as a category tree. We associate each node in the tree with a classifier and classify the examples recursively from the root to the leaves. We propose a hierarchical Support Vector Machine (SVM) that encourages the classifier at each node of the … Read more

Global Convergence of Radial Basis Function Trust Region Derivative-Free Algorithms

We analyze globally convergent derivative-free trust region algorithms relying on radial basis function interpolation models. Our results extend the recent work of Conn, Scheinberg, and Vicente to fully linear models that have a nonlinear term. We characterize the types of radial basis functions that fit in our analysis and thus show global convergence to first-order … Read more

Parallel Stochastic Gradient Algorithms for Large-Scale Matrix Completion

This paper develops Jellyfish, an algorithm for solving data-processing problems with matrix-valued decision variables regularized to have low rank. Particular examples of problems solvable by Jellyfish include matrix completion problems and least-squares problems regularized by the nuclear norm or the max-norm. Jellyfish implements a projected incremental gradient method with a biased, random ordering of the … Read more

Group Sparse Optimization by Alternating Direction Method

This paper proposes efficient algorithms for group sparse optimization with mixed L21-regularization, which arises from the reconstruction of group sparse signals in compressive sensing, and the group Lasso problem in statistics and machine learning. It is known that encoding the group information in addition to sparsity will lead to better signal recovery/feature selection. The L21-regularization … Read more