Revisiting the fitting of the Nelson-Siegel and Svensson models

The Nelson-Siegel and the Svensson models are two of the most widely used models for the term structure of interest rates. Even though the models are quite simple and intuitive, fitting them to market data is numerically challenging and various difficulties have been reported. In this paper, a novel mathematical analysis of the fitting problem … Read more

The best approximation pair problem relative to two subsets in a normed space

In the classical best approximation pair (BAP) problem, one is given two nonempty, closed, convex and disjoint subsets in a finite- or an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space, and the goal is to find a pair of points, each from each subset, which realizes the distance between the subsets. This problem, which has a long history, has … Read more

ε-Optimality in Reverse Optimization

The purpose of this paper is to completely characterize the global approximate optimality (ε-optimality) in reverse convex optimization under the general nonconvex constraint “h(x) ≥ 0″. The main condition presented is obtained in terms of Fenchel’s ε-subdifferentials thanks to El Maghri’s ε-efficiency in difference vector optimization [J. Glob. Optim. 61 (2015) 803–812], after converting the … Read more

Exploring Nonlinear Distance Metrics for Lipschitz Constant Estimation in Lower Bound Construction for Global Optimization

Bounds play a crucial role in guiding optimization algorithms, improving their speed and quality, and providing optimality gaps. While Lipschitz constant-based lower bound construction is an effective technique, the quality of the linear bounds depends on the function’s topological properties. In this research, we improve upon this by incorporating nonlinear distance metrics and surrogate approximations … Read more

Refined TSSOS

The moment-sum of squares hierarchy by Lasserre has become an established technique for solving polynomial optimization problems. It provides a monotonically increasing series of tight bounds, but has well-known scalability limitations. For structured optimization problems, the term-sparsity SOS (TSSOS) approach scales much better due to block-diagonal matrices, obtained by completing the connected components of adjacency … Read more

Sparse Polynomial Optimization with Unbounded Sets

This paper considers sparse polynomial optimization with unbounded sets. When the problem possesses correlative sparsity, we propose a sparse homogenized Moment-SOS hierarchy with perturbations to solve it. The new hierarchy introduces one extra auxiliary variable for each variable clique according to the correlative sparsity pattern. Under the running intersection property, we prove that this hierarchy … Read more

Solving moment and polynomial optimization problems on Sobolev spaces

Using standard tools of harmonic analysis, we state and solve the problem of moments for positive measures supported on the unit ball of a Sobolev space of multivariate periodic trigonometric functions. We describe outer and inner semidefinite approximations of the cone of Sobolev moments. They are the basic components of an infinite-dimensional moment-sums of squares … Read more

A Cutting-Plane Global Optimization Algorithm for a Special Non-Convex Problem

This study establishes the convergence of a cutting-plane algorithm tailored for a specific non-convex optimization problem. The presentation begins with the problem definition, accompanied by the necessary hypotheses that substantiate the application of a cutting plane. Following this, we develop an algorithm designed to tackle the problem. Lastly, we provide a demonstration that the sequence … Read more

Computing an approximation of the nondominated set of multi-objective mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problems

In practical applications, one often has not only one, but several objectives that need to be optimized simultaneously. What is more, modeling such real world problems usually involves using both, continuous and integer variables. This then results in multi-objective mixed-integer optimization problems, which are in focus of this paper. We present an approximation concept, called … Read more

Exact Matrix Completion via High-Rank Matrices in Sum-of-Squares Relaxations

We study exact matrix completion from partially available data with hidden connectivity patterns. Exact matrix completion was shown to be possible recently by Cosse and Demanet in 2021 with Lasserre’s relaxation using the trace of the variable matrix as the objective function with given data structured in a chain format. In this study, we introduce … Read more