Assessing the Effectiveness of (Parallel) Branch-and-bound Algorithms

Empirical studies are fundamental in assessing the effectiveness of implementations of branch-and-bound algorithms. The complexity of such implementations makes empirical study difficult for a wide variety of reasons. Various attempts have been made to develop and codify a set of standard techniques for the assessment of optimization algorithms and their software implementations; however, most previous … Read more

Decentralized Online Integer Programming Problems with a Coupling Cardinality Constraint

We consider a problem involving a set of agents who need to coordinate their actions to optimize the sum of their objectives while satisfying a common resource constraint. The objective functions of the agents are unknown to them a priori and are revealed in an online manner. The resulting problem is an online optimization problem … Read more

Scalable Preconditioning of Block-Structured Linear Algebra Systems using ADMM

We study the solution of block-structured linear algebra systems arising in optimization by using iterative solution techniques. These systems are the core computational bottleneck of many problems of interest such as parameter estimation, optimal control, network optimization, and stochastic programming. Our approach uses a Krylov solver (GMRES) that is preconditioned with an alternating method of … Read more

On Electricity Market Equilibria with Storage: Modeling, Uniqueness, and a Distributed ADMM

We consider spot-market trading of electricity including storage operators as additional agents besides producers and consumers. Storages allow for shifting produced electricity from one time period to a later one. Due to this, multiple market equilibria may occur even if classical uniqueness assumptions for the case without storages are satisfied. For models containing storage operators, … Read more

A two-level distributed algorithm for nonconvex constrained optimization

This paper aims to develop distributed algorithms for nonconvex optimization problems with complicated constraints associated with a network. The network can be a physical one, such as an electric power network, where the constraints are nonlinear power flow equations, or an abstract one that represents constraint couplings between decision variables of different agents. Despite the … Read more

Pattern-based models and a cooperative parallel metaheuristic for high school timetabling problems

High school timetabling problems consist in building periodic timetables for class-teacher meetings considering compulsory and non-compulsory requisites. This family of problems has been widely studied since the 1950s, mostly via mixed-integer programming and metaheuristic techniques. However, the efficient obtention of optimal or near-optimal solutions is still a challenge for many problems of practical size. In … Read more

Scalable Branching on Dual Decomposition of Stochastic Mixed-Integer Programming Problems

We present a scalable branching method for the dual decomposition of stochastic mixed-integer programming. Our new branching method is based on the branching method proposed by Caro e and Schultz that creates branching disjunctions on first-stage variables only. We propose improvements to the process for creating branching disjunctions, including 1) branching on the optimal solutions … Read more

POLO: a POLicy-based Optimization library

We present POLO — a C++ library for large-scale parallel optimization research that emphasizes ease-of-use, flexibility and efficiency in algorithm design. It uses multiple inheritance and template programming to decompose algorithms into essential policies and facilitate code reuse. With its clear separation between algorithm and execution policies, it provides researchers with a simple and powerful … Read more

Parallelizable Algorithms for Optimization Problems with Orthogonality Constraints

To construct a parallel approach for solving optimization problems with orthogonality constraints is usually regarded as an extremely difficult mission, due to the low scalability of the orthonormalization procedure. However, such demand is particularly huge in some application areas such as materials computation. In this paper, we propose a proximal linearized augmented Lagrangian algorithm (PLAM) … Read more

Rapid prototyping of parallel primal heuristics for domain specific MIPs: Application to maritime inventory routing

Parallel Alternating Criteria Search (PACS) relies on the combination of computer parallelism and Large Neighborhood Searches to attempt to deliver high quality solutions to any generic Mixed-Integer Program (MIP) quickly. While general-purpose primal heuristics are widely used due to their universal application, they are usually outperformed by domain-specific heuristics when optimizing a particular problem class. … Read more