Maximizing a Monotone Submodular Function Under an Unknown Knapsack Capacity

Consider the problem of maximizing a nondecreasing submodular function defined on a set of weighted items under an unknown knapsack capacity. Assume items are packed sequentially into the knapsack and the knapsack capacity is accessed through an oracle that answers whether an item fits into the currently packed knapsack. If an item is tried to … Read more

A Subspace Minimization Barzilai-Borwein Method for Multiobjective Optimization Problems

Nonlinear conjugate gradient methods have recently garnered significant attention within the multiobjective optimization community. These methods aim to maintain consistency in conjugate parameters with their single-objective optimization counterparts. However, the preservation of the attractive conjugate property of search directions remains uncertain, even for quadratic cases, in multiobjective conjugate gradient methods. This loss of interpretability of … Read more

The if-then Polytope: Conditional Relations over Multiple Sets of Binary Variables

Inspired by its occurrence as a substructure in a stochastic railway timetabling model, we study in this work a special case of the bipartite boolean quadric polytope. It models conditional relations across three sets of binary variables, where selections within two “if” sets imply a choice in a corresponding “then” set. We call this polytope … Read more

The Multi-Stop Station Location Problem: Exact Approaches

The multi-stop station location problem (MSLP) aims to place stations such that a set of trips is feasible with respect to length bounds while minimizing cost. Each trip consists of a sequence of stops that must be visited in a given order, and a length bound that controls the maximum length that is possible without … Read more

New cuts and a branch-cut-and-price model for the Multi Vehicle Covering Tour Problem

\(\) The Multi-Vehicle Covering Tour Problem (m-CTP) involves a graph in which the set of vertices is partitioned into a depot and three distinct subsets representing customers, mandatory facilities, and optional facilities. Each customer is linked to a specific subset of optional facilities that define its coverage set. The goal is to determine a set … Read more

A Clustering-based uncertainty set for Robust Optimization

Robust Optimization (RO) is an approach to tackle uncertainties in the parameters of an optimization problem. Constructing an uncertainty set is crucial for RO, as it determines the quality and the conservativeness of the solutions. In this paper, we introduce an approach for constructing a data-driven uncertainty set through volume-based clustering, which we call Minimum-Volume … Read more

Heuristic Methods for Mixed-Integer, Linear, and Γ-Robust Bilevel Problems

Due to their nested structure, bilevel problems are intrinsically hard to solve–even if all variables are continuous and all parameters of the problem are exactly known. In this paper, we study mixed-integer linear bilevel problems with lower-level objective uncertainty, which we address using the notion of Γ-robustness. To tackle the Γ-robust counterpart of the bilevel … Read more

A Parametric Approach for Solving Convex Quadratic Optimization with Indicators Over Trees

This paper investigates convex quadratic optimization problems involving $n$ indicator variables, each associated with a continuous variable, particularly focusing on scenarios where the matrix $Q$ defining the quadratic term is positive definite and its sparsity pattern corresponds to the adjacency matrix of a tree graph. We introduce a graph-based dynamic programming algorithm that solves this … Read more

A Proximal-Gradient Method for Constrained Optimization

We present a new algorithm for solving optimization problems with objective functions that are the sum of a smooth function and a (potentially) nonsmooth regularization function, and nonlinear equality constraints. The algorithm may be viewed as an extension of the well-known proximal-gradient method that is applicable when constraints are not present. To account for nonlinear … Read more