Query Batching Optimization in Database Systems

Techniques based on sharing data and computation among queries have been an active research topic in database systems. While work in this area developed algorithms and systems that are shown to be effective, there is a lack of rigorous modeling and theoretical study for query processing and optimization. Query batching in database systems has strong … Read more

Customized transition towards smart homes: A fast framework for economic analyses

Smart homes allow the optimization of energy usage so that households can reduce electricity bills, or even make profits. By 2020, 20% of all households in Europe and 35% in North America will be expected to become smart homes. Although smart homes seem to be the future for homes, many customers have the perception that … Read more

Spectral Gap Optimization of Divergence Type Diffusion Operators

In this paper, we address the problem of maximizing the spectral gap of a divergence type diffusion operator. Our main application of interest is characterizing the distribution of a swarm of agents that evolve on a bounded domain in Rn according to a Markov process. A subclass of the divergence type operators that we introduce … Read more

Expert-Enhanced Machine Learning for Cardiac Arrhythmia Classification

We propose a new method for the classification task of distinguishing atrial Fibrillation (AFib) from regular atrial tachycardias including atrial Flutter (AFlu) on the basis of a surface electrocardiogram (ECG). Although recently many approaches for an automatic classification of cardiac arrhythmia were proposed, to our knowledge none of them can distinguish between these two. We … Read more

Stochastic DC Optimal Power Flow With Reserve Saturation

We propose an optimization framework for stochastic optimal power flow with uncertain loads and renewable generator capacity. Our model follows previous work in assuming that generator outputs respond to load imbalances according to an affine control policy, but introduces a model of saturation of generator reserves by assuming that when a generator’s target level hits … Read more

Experimental operation of a solar-driven climate system with thermal energy storages using mixed-integer nonlinear MPC

This work presents the results of experimental operation of a solar-driven climate system using mixed-integer nonlinear Model Predictive Control (MPC). The system is installed in a university building and consists of two solar thermal collector fields, an adsorption cooling machine with different operation modes, a stratified hot water storage with multiple inlets and outlets as … Read more

Stochastic Discrete First-order Algorithm for Feature Subset Selection

This paper addresses the problem of selecting a significant subset of candidate features to use for multiple linear regression. Bertsimas et al. (2016) recently proposed the discrete first-order (DFO) algorithm to efficiently find near-optimal solutions to this problem. However, this algorithm is unable to escape from locally optimal solutions. To resolve this, we propose a … Read more

Template-based Minor Embedding for Adiabatic Quantum Optimization

Quantum Annealing (QA) can be used to quickly obtain near-optimal solutions for Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO) problems. In QA hardware, each decision variable of a QUBO should be mapped to one or more adjacent qubits in such a way that pairs of variables defining a quadratic term in the objective function are mapped to … Read more

Nonlinear Optimization of District Heating Networks

We develop a complementarity-constrained nonlinear optimization model for the time-dependent control of district heating networks. The main physical aspects of water and heat flow in these networks are governed by nonlinear and hyperbolic 1d partial differential equations. In addition, a pooling-type mixing model is required at the nodes of the network to treat the mixing … Read more

Branch-and-cut-and-price for the Cardinality-constrained Multi-cycle Problem in Kidney Exchange

The establishment of kidney exchange programs has dramatically improved rates for kidney transplants by matching donors to compatible patients who would otherwise fail to receive a kidney for transplant. Rather than simply swapping kidneys between two patient-donor pairs, having multiple patient-donors pairs simultaneously donate kidneys in a cyclic manner enables all participants to receive a … Read more