A two-phase gradient method for quadratic programming problems with a single linear constraint and bounds on the variables

We propose a gradient-based method for quadratic programming problems with a single linear constraint and bounds on the variables. Inspired by the GPCG algorithm for bound-constrained convex quadratic programming [J.J. More’ and G. Toraldo, SIAM J. Optim. 1, 1991], our approach alternates between two phases until convergence: an identification phase, which performs gradient projection iterations … Read more

Outer-Product-Free Sets for Polynomial Optimization and Oracle-Based Cuts

Cutting planes are derived from specific problem structures, such as a single linear constraint from an integer program. This paper introduces cuts that involve minimal structural assumptions, enabling the generation of strong polyhedral relaxations for a broad class of problems. We consider valid inequalities for the set $S\cap P$, where $S$ is a closed set, … Read more

On the use of the energy norm in trust-region and adaptive cubic regularization subproblems

We consider solving unconstrained optimization problems by means of two popular globalization techniques: trust-region (TR) algorithms and adaptive regularized framework using cubics (ARC). Both techniques require the solution of a so-called “subproblem” in which a trial step is computed by solving an optimization problem involving an approximation of the objective function, called “the model”. The … Read more

A decoupled first/second-order steps technique for nonconvex nonlinear unconstrained optimization with improved complexity bounds

In order to be provably convergent towards a second-order stationary point, optimization methods applied to nonconvex problems must necessarily exploit both first and second-order information. However, as revealed by recent complexity analyzes of some of these methods, the overall effort to reach second-order points is significantly larger when compared to the one of approaching first-order … Read more

Iteration-Complexity of a Linearized Proximal Multiblock ADMM Class for Linearly Constrained Nonconvex Optimization Problems

This paper analyzes the iteration-complexity of a class of linearized proximal multiblock alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) for solving linearly constrained nonconvex optimization problems. The subproblems of the linearized ADMM are obtained by partially or fully linearizing the augmented Lagrangian with respect to the corresponding minimizing block variable. The derived complexity bounds do not … Read more

Bilevel optimization with a multiobjective problem in the lower level

Bilevel problems model instances with a hierarchical structure. Aiming at an efficient solution of a constrained multiobjective problem according with some pre-defined criterion, we reformulate this optimization but non standard problem as a classic bilevel one. This reformulation intents to encompass all the objectives, so that the properly efficient solution set is recovered by means … Read more

MIP-Based Instantaneous Control of Mixed-Integer PDE-Constrained Gas Transport Problems

We study the transient optimization of gas transport networks including both discrete controls due to switching of controllable elements and nonlinear fluid dynamics described by the system of isothermal Euler equations, which are partial differential equations in time and 1-dimensional space. This combination leads to mixed-integer optimization problems subject to nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equations … Read more

A Bregman alternating direction method of multipliers for sparse probabilistic Boolean network problem

The main task of genetic regulatory networks is to construct a sparse probabilistic Boolean network (PBN) based on a given transition-probability matrix and a set of Boolean networks (BNs). In this paper, a Bregman alternating direction method of multipliers (BADMM) is proposed to solve the minimization problem raised in PBN. All the customized subproblem-solvers of … Read more

On generalized-convex constrained multi-objective optimization

In this paper, we consider multi-objective optimization problems involving not necessarily convex constraints and componentwise generalized-convex (e.g., semi-strictly quasi-convex, quasi-convex, or explicitly quasi-convex) vector-valued objective functions that are acting between a real linear topological pre-image space and a finite dimensional image space. For these multi-objective optimization problems, we show that the set of (strictly, weakly) … Read more

Automatic Differentiation of the Open CASCADE Technology CAD System and its coupling with an Adjoint CFD Solver

Automatic Differentiation (AD) is applied to the open-source CAD system Open CASCADE Technology using the AD software tool ADOL-C (Automatic Differentiation by OverLoading in C++). The differentiated CAD system is coupled with a discrete adjoint CFD solver, thus providing the first example of a complete differentiated design chain built from generic, multi-purpose tools. The design … Read more